𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖳𝗁𝗋𝖾𝖾 - 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖨𝗇𝗏𝗂𝗍𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇

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TW: Panic attack
tommy pov

I had just convinced dream to let y/n onto the Dream SMP. It had been a week or two since our last call, and she said it would make her year if she was let on.

I made it my goal to make sure she was getting on that SMP.

"And why do you want me to let y/n on to the SMP?'' Dream asked me. To be honest, I dont know why I wanted her on so badly. We talked almost everyday, no fail. She was the sweetest girl you would ever meet-.

Oh my god.

Do I have feelings for y/n? It couldn't be. I would have to think about that later though.

"Becuase it would make her year if she got on. She said her only goal as a minecraft streamer was to be able to get on to the SMP.'' I responded confidently.

Dream seems to have thought about it for a minute. Finally he gives his response. "I guess it wouldnt hurt to let her on. I was looking for someone for this role anyway.'' He says. I cheer in delight.

"Thanks Dream! This will make her so happy!'' And with that, I left thd call. I sat down on my bed, thinking about what dream had said. Why do I want her on so badly? Did I fancy her?

As any lost teenage boy would, I googled it.

• They usually make you nervous.
• You get butterfiles, sweaty palms, or sometimes even anxiety around them.
•You want to be with them all the time.
•You think about you future together often.
•You feel safe with them.
• Your thoughts return to them often.

I re-read the list. It checked all the boxes. I was sure of it now.
Oh my god, I like Wibur Soot's little sister y/n.


y/n pov

"Sierra I can't do this anymore!''

I was on the phone with my best friend, Sierra. She also started doing minecraft related content, and had around 90k on Twitch, and just hit 200k on Youtube.

"Y/n for god's sake, open your goddamn eyes! It's obvious you fancy him!'' Sierra said. She was pissed becuase we had seemed to just lose the bedwars game we were playing. Right as you exited the lobby, Tommy texted.


                                                               Y/n Soot 

You fixed your hair a little bit and had explained to Sierra that a child had needed your attention. You left the call with Sierra and answered Tommy's FaceTime call.


"GUESS WHO GOT YOU ADDED TO THE DREAM SMP WOMAN'' Tommy yelled. You fell out your chair. This couldn't be real! You thought you were going to wake up right then and there.

"ARE YOU KIDDING??!'' You asked exictedly.
"NOPE!'' Tommy replied. You started to tear up. This had been your dream for a long time now, and it was finally coming true.

It wasn't happy tears though.

TW ⚠️⚠️

"Hey Tommy I'll call you back. I gotta take this news.'' And with that you hung up. You sat on the floor tears streaming down your face. The weight of your job had just crushed down on your frail little body, and although you should be happy, you were scared.

Your breathing got heavier and heavier, and you became light headed. You speed called Wilbur, as we wasn't home.

"Hello? Y/n are you ok?'' Wilbur asked. I could barely breathe. "By the way, Tommy is going to come over today-''

"Wilbur im having a panic attack. Come h-''

I had passed out before I could even get out another word.


You woke up on your bed, and saw a worried Tommy and a tired Wilbur next to you. Once Tommy noticed you were awake, he rushed to your side.

"W-What happened?''

"You had a panic attack and passed out, probably from the stress of streaming and being added to the Dream SMP. Did you take your meds?'' Wilbur looked at you. Tommy looked at Wilbur. You looked at the floor.

"I haven't taken them for a couple of days...''

Wilbur looked at you, concern lacing his face. You knew you had to take your medication. It was an neccesity. Why hadn't you?

"Y/n... Come eat dinner. Tommy you can stay the night if you would like. It's already late.'' Wilbur said quietly. He left for a moment, then came back with your medication.

tommy pov

It hurt me to see y/n in a state like that. I didn't know what to do since I was staying the night. I decided to talk to Wilbur about how I was feeling.

I knocked on Wilburs door. "Come in!'' I heat from the other side. I open the door and walk in slowly.

"Hey Wilbur, I have a question.'' I said, nervous to hear what wilbur would say to answer me. "How do you know if you like someone?'' I asked quietly.

"Ooo, whos the lucky girl? Or guy. Thats fine too.''
"Promise not to get mad?''
"Cross my heart.''

I sighed. "I think I might like y/n.'' Wilbur just looks at me.

"Wow uh. Wasn't expecting that. What makes you feel thay way?''

"Whenever I see her I get all sweaty and my stomach does flip flops. I can't stand to see her struggle or in pain.''

"Sounds like it might be more then just a LITTLE crush.'' Wilbur looked ay me with a smile. "Just be yourself and tell her at the right moment. Dont wait for her to tell you.'' I thought about that. I would have to tell her eventually. I smilled back at Wilbur. "Thanks for the advice! I'll tell her next time we meet up. He just nodded as I left. I closed the door behind be. This is what my life has come to? Simping over a girl I met a couple weeks ago?

Most people would have found it pathetic. Weak even. Honestly, She's the only person I would ever simp for.

Words: 1039
If Tommy should confess 😽💕

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