𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖥𝗈𝗎𝗋 - 𝖢𝗁𝗈𝗈𝗌𝖾 𝖸𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖲𝗂𝖽𝖾

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y/n pov

Tommy walked back into my room as I was watching Heartstopper, my favorite movie. I watched as he walked in and sat on my bed. I paused the movie.

"Hey Tom! What's up?'' I asked.
"Nothin'. I'm just bored. Wanna play Minecraft?''

I walked over to my PC and booted it up. He went to his bag and pulled out his laptop. I wasn't sure what to do though.

"Wait y/n, didn't you say you used to speed run? Try and beat Dreams world record!" Tommy said excitedly. I looked at him in shock.

" I don't know.. why not. I'm probably not going to beat it anyway."
Tommy cheeeed. You loaded up a new world and set it on hard mode. Tommy set a stopwatch and you decided to stream it just in case.

"Hello chat! Not many of you know that I used to be a pretty good speedrunner, we got close to the world record once.'' You began. You were so nervous.

"SO WE ARE GONNA TRY AND BEAT DREAM TODAY BOYS!'' Tommy yelled from behind you. You giggled. You had failed to inforn chat that Tommy was here.

"Tommy is here today too gang. Let's get on with it!'' You said, not caring about the outcome.


You had finshed about one and a half minutes later than the record. You were kinda bumbed, but it was alright because if you asked ginuess world records there was a chance you could get a female title.

You ended stream and looked a Tommy. Wilbur had come on at one point and you hadn't noticed. Tommy's eyes were bright.

"THAT WAS SO COOL Y/N!'' Tommy exclaimed. You smiled at how cool he found you speedrunning.

"Thank you tommy. I honestly wonder if I could get a female title for fastest female speedrunner.'' You wondered. If you could that would be such a ground breaking moments for you. You smiled at yourself.

"Already DM-ing Ginuess World Records.'' Wilbur smiled at you. "Now come along everyone. Food is ready.'' You shut off you PC and went to the dining room.


y/nforpres (@y/n_)
Failed to beat a spedrunning god, so im gonna see if I can become a speedrunning godesss.

         💬 89k   ♻️102k  ❤️308k           Dream (@DreamWasTaken)            Wait what           Wilbur Soot (@WilburSoot)               Vouch           |_TommyInnit (@tommyinnit)                 Vouch

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         💬 89k   ♻️102k  ❤️308k
           Dream (@DreamWasTaken)
            Wait what
           Wilbur Soot (@WilburSoot)
           |_TommyInnit (@tommyinnit)

I laughed at Dream's resopnse to my tweet. I laughed at Wilbur's resopnse. Tommy's? I stared at it. Last time I told Sierra about what I was feeling, I wasn't so sure. So I decided to call Niki Nihachu.

Niki is like a sister to me. When Wilbur introduced me, we clicked just like that. She was the only one that knew Wilbur had a sister. I clicked the contact.

"Hello?'' Niki's voice filled the room.
"Hi Niki, I need to ask you something. You can't judge me though.'' I said.

"Ask away y/n.''
"How do you know if you have a crush? I think I might like tommy..''

"I KNEW IT'' Niki yelled. "I saw the way you look at eachother on screen! You totally like him'' Niki looked so excited.

"Okay okay! Don't shout it so the world can hear!" I felt my cheeks turning red. "You should make a move and see how he reacts!" Niki said. I wasn't so sure.

"Alright I guess it wouldn't hurt to try. Thanks Niki. Talk later?"

"Of course! I might be visiting soon so we can talk then."

"Sounds good! Bye Niki!" I said as I hung up.


It was about a week later since my attempt to break a record. I was streaming on the SMP for the first time. I had done some of camera stuff, so I already had a house and some materials.

"Okay chat! I do have to make a decision on what side a want to be on soon. You had thought it out with Dream, and Wilbur. You were going to side with Wilbur and getting L'manburg back.

Your role was written in as Wilbur's sister no one knew about. (A/N LMAO I WANTED TO WRITE IT LIKE THIS) You we're kinda like a Witch on the SMP. You had a lot of potions of many different kinds and your house was filled with brewing stands. You looked a little like this:

You loved your role, and couldn't wait for the action filled role play

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You loved your role, and couldn't wait for the action filled role play.
"I'm going to join Wilbur in getting L'manburg back." You said, proud of your decision.
tommy pov

I was scared to see what side Y/n would choose. I was watching her stream. I hoped she choose the winning team.

"I'm going to join Wilbur in getting L'manburg back."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Having y/n on our team, especially with the way her character was designed, we would win in no time.
I was also glad my crush was on my team but hey, focus on the important things right?

Words: 843
Sorry it's kinda short today guys! ♡︎♡︎

Game on! TommyinnitxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now