Chapter Fourteen - We all trusted Sierra (sorry no cool font, the thing broke)

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y/n pov

"So yeah, that's what happened."  I say. I had just finished explaining with no help from Tom why we were caught snuggling. Everyone was so excited for us!

"Congratulations y/n! Why did you choose Tommy though out of all people? George joked. Everyone laughed except Tommy.

"HEY! She chose me because I am amazing thank you very much." Tom glared at George.

"I can't be mean to y/n anymore or Tommy will beat my ass. Awww." Wilbur sighed. They were taking it much better then I thought they would.

"Are you planning on telling the fans?" Niki asked. It was a valid question, that we didn't have the answer to yet.

"We don't know yet, I hope it's soon though." Tom says. I nod my head in agreement. I just hope the fans can take it without overreacting.


I was debating on if I should record a video addressing the rumors. I decided it would be best. I click record and begin recording.

Or so I think.

"Hello everyone, I'm here to address- no, that's not right. Hi everyone, it's y/n. I'm going to address the rumors that you have probably heard already. I know I haven't done anything wrong, but I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I've said that might have upset somebody. Should I say that? I really mean it though."
I went through an entire apology going over the rumors, apologizing, and addressing what's true and false.

"Thank you guys for hearing me out. Have a good day. Okay done. I hope they believe the trut-"

I noticed the flashing red light. I was live.

"Oh, shit! Sorry everyone muscle memory. Have a good one." I ended live.

Crap. I had just gone over an entire apology in front of everyone. This could be really good, or really terrible. I just hope they believed the truth.


Could y/n be telling the truth? I believe her. I mean, look at all the tweets from the SMP backing her up!

*Clip of VOD*

💬213k  ♻️19k   ❤️666k

I totally believe her. She's so sweet! This looked like a genuine accident.
   I totally agree with you on this one.

tommy pov

I was out grabbing groceries with Wilbur, and Tubbo. I went into a separate isle and pulled out my phone. I was walking towards the coke, scrolling through Twitter, and then I saw the VOD.

I watched it carefully. Y/n accidentally went live. She sat there trying to think of a script for the apology. She must have hit go live instead of record. Why did she even make an apology? She wasn't in the wrong.

She sat there going over the script to the camera, chat on another desktop probably closed out. She finished a whole apology before she realized she was live.

She looked shocked and scared at the same time. I wanted to reach through the screen and give her a big hug.

"Oh shit! S-sorry everyone muscle memory. Have a good one. The VOD ended there. I couldn't believe it.

"Is that y/n?"

"AHHHH! WILBUR WHERE THE HECK DID YOU COME FROM!" Wilbur was stood behind me. I didn't notice he followed me I guess.

"Sorry Tommy. Is that y/n though or am I going blind?" He took my phone.

"Yes it's y/n. She accidentally went live I guess." I shrugged.

"This doesn't look good, she's probably stressing out over it. Stuff like this triggers her panic attacks. We need to hurry up and finish so I can go check on her." Wilbur said, pretty alarmed. I didn't hesitate to grab the last of what I needed and make a run for the cash register. (A/N: Here in bloody America that's what we call them, i think it's called something like tills in the UK. Fuck you America ✌️)

Tubbo was already there, checking out. We quickly paid and jumped in the car. Poor Tubbo was so confused on why we were going to damn fast.

We got to the house and quickly ran upstairs. Wilbur knocked on y/n's door when I heard it.


The sound of poor y/n crying made me hurt. My heart shattered to a million pieces.

"If your not Wilbur, Niki, or Tommy go away!" Y/n yelled. Wilbur slowly walked in with me behind him.

"What happened y/n?" Wilbur asked quietly as he hugged the girliepop. (IT FUCKING AUTOCORRECTED AND ITS TOO FUNNY TO CHANGE 😭)

"Sierra.. she hates me now." She whispered through sobs.

"Isn't Sierra your best friend, love?" I came over and hugged her.

"She was.... She refused to believe the rumors were false. It was fucking Jessica. SHE BELIEVES FUCKING JESSICA OVER ME." She yelled.

"Hey, you still have me, your brother, and all of the SMP and even people who aren't on it. You know people from the QSMP, and you aren't even on it yet. You are so amazing y/n, and Sierra's a bitch for not realizing it." I say.

She looked up at me as if she'd never heard the word bitch.

"Thank you guys. I love you both more than I could ever imagine. Tommy, I'm moving you up on my list of favorite people." Y/n giggled.

"I wasn't the first on the list?" I said, faking sadness.

"Nope. It was Sierra, then Niki, then Will, then you. Now Sierra isn't even on the list and Niki is in first place." She stated.

"Yay!" Niki yelled from the doorway. We all looked at her with the same look.

"How long have you been standing there.?" Y/n asked.

"Long enough to hear Tommyinnit give a speech." She chuckled.

"HEY! I did it because I am the best boyfriend ever." I joked.

We all just laughed.

"Thanks you guys. You too Niki I really mean it." She smiled.

She warmed my heart.


Because I just had to break friendships yk? I bet you all hate Sierra now lmao.

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