𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖳𝗐𝖾𝗅𝗏𝖾 - 𝖦𝖾𝗍𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖱𝖾𝖺𝖽𝗒

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y/n pov


Tommyinnit (@tommyinnit)
I've been seeing a lot of drama lately regarding some misinformation about y/n soot. She is taking a break from the internet for right now, so I've come to say everything is wrong. Y/n is the sweetest when comes to fan interactions. And she isn't homophobic, considering she is bisexual herself. She isn't racists either. I'm sad that some so called "fans"  would stoop so low.

💬521k       ❤️668k     ♻️143k

Wilbur Soot (@WilburSoot)
The hate my little sister is receiving is so sad. I can't believe you guys would hear one person say some shit, and believe everything. I'm going to say it again, y/n is my sister and if you can't respect her, you've lost me. Y/n is just as human as the rest of us, she never did anything you guys are saying she did. She is the sweetest, most kindhearted person to anyone. I don't understand how you guys can believe she's homophobic even though she admitted to being bisexual ON STREAM. I've lost faith in humanity.

💬342k    ❤️457k     ♻️213k


I see y/n as a little sister. As a big sister, it hurts me to see how much hate this girl is getting over a lie. I don't know why you guys make up shit like this. Is it out of spite? Jealousy? Whatever it is, it's not right. It's all lies. Y/n is the kindest person I know. She's such a lovely soul to hang out with. I can't believe you guys wanna believe everything you see on the internet without looking in to it first. I am absolutely shocked and disappointed in these "fans".

💬211k    ❤️631k    ♻️123k

I was reading all my friends responses to this drama. I know I said I would take a break from the internet, but I kept getting a tagged. I put my phone down and sat on my bed, thinking about what my streaming career is to become.

I was so thankful for all my friends, treating me like a human even after all this has happened. Just then Tommy walked in to the room.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" He looked like he had been crying.

"Oh Tom, I'm fine. Come here, what's the matter?" I said a little quietly. I opened my arms and he came in for a hug without hesitation.

"I- It's just all the hate your getting. You're so sweet and don't deserve it at all. It makes me hurt as if I myself were receiving the hate." He sniffed. My heart melted. I hugged him tighter as he quietly sobbed in my hoodie.

After he finished crying, he threw me on the bed and laid on top of me. He cuddled together for some time, comforting each other.

"So do you normally cuddle up with the homies or is there something I'm missing?"

I shot up. Tubbo was at the door. I sunk in to the bed in embarrassment.

"Tubbo, can you keep a secret?" Tom asked.

"No, not really. Are you guys dating?" He  questioned.

"Yes Tubbo, we're dating now. Don't tell it for the world to hear!" Tommy mumbled.

Tubbo squealed. I came up from the bed and watched as Tubbo pulled Tommy in to a little happy dance.  I giggled as he danced around the room.

"Anyway, I came in here to tell you guys we are going to some real fancy dinner. I hope you guys have got some fancy clothes or something!" Tubbo shrugged and walked out of the room. Leaving me and Tommy.

"Are you gonna get out my room so I can get dressed, or are you going to stand there and stare at me?" I joked.

"Okay, okay! I'm leaving." He chuckled as he left. I closed the door and picked out a outfit that was fancy, but not too fancy.

I was thinking of posting but I don't like drama

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I was thinking of posting but I don't like drama. I put on some jewelry and light makeup and did my hair. I put on my shoes and left.


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I walked down the stairs to see everyone all dressed up and ready to go

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I walked down the stairs to see everyone all dressed up and ready to go. I grabbed my purse and put all my stuff that I would need in there. I turned around to see Tubbo there behind me.

"Jesus Tubbo! You scared me. Ready to go?" I asked.

"Yeah, I just came to tell you that Wilbur wants to talk to you. He's in the bathroom." He replied. I gave him a quick 'Okay' and went to find Wilbur. I knocked on the door with the special code we made. 4 long taps and 5 short ones. He pulled me in quickly.

"Whats- WOAH. Jesus Wilbur, what's the matter?" I asked.

"I- Well first, what are you wearing."

"A dress."

"Why is it showing so much skin?"

"For the love of God Wilbur, what is it you actually need." I was beginning to get annoyed.

"Sorry! Sorry. I just wanted to know if your sure you want to come with us. Those guys could still be out there." He worried.

"Yes Wilbur, I can deal with them. Plus, everyone is with us! We're gonna be good. I replied. We walked out the door and met back up with everyone.

"Is everyone ready?" Dream asked. There came a variety of yes's. We got into 2 separate cars and made our way to the restaurant.

WORDS: 917

Because next chapter is going to be spicyyy 🔥🔥😙

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