Chapter 7

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Alec figures out the moment he sees me something is up. And he takes me out to a bar that night, for us to talk.

"What the hell happened?", he asks me, tone dead-panned but worries hidden there. Alec is usually acting like the most dangerous guy on Earth. He could be. Killed some people too. But he's also the best friend I have. My brother. And I started seeing past his death stares and threatening tone.

"Nothing", I lie.

He sees past my lie too. "Nothing my ass", he comments, voice even colder.

"It really is nothing", I add.

"Then why the heck have you been acting like a ghost ever since you came here? I know you, Adam, and this isn't you." He stops to take a deep breath. "Did something happen between you and Nessie?"

He knows. I told him about my love for her and he knows. But I haven't told him the two of us made out. Got laid. Not yet.

"Yes", I let out, taking a sip of my whiskey. The alcohol burns my throat. Alec sticks to his water. He gave up alcohol the moment he started dating Sofia. Once, at the beginning of their relationship, he screwed up because of it and it almost led to them two breaking up, so he gave up.

"Did you two...", he doesn't have to end that sentence for me to know what he means.


"Yes", I answer, my voice broken. He nods again.

We stay in silence for a while, him not saying anything. I am almost waiting for a reply.

"What happened then?", he asks.

"She ran away. Told me it was a mistake and that she still loves Mark."

"I offered to kill that fucker, but you said no", he throws back at me. It's true. He asked me thousands of times if it wouldn't be easier to just get rid of Mark. Offered to do the dirty work himself too. But I always refused. Nessie seemed happy with him. And I want her to be happy. Only allowed myself to dream that I have a chance with her as the two broke up.

"Still a no, Alec", I reply. "As much as I appreciate you trying to help, I can't force Nessie to love me. It doesn't work that way."

"I know", he lets out. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"You do?", I ask him surprised.

"Yeah", he answers, his tone deadly.

"Should I remind you that you once sneaked in Sofia's room to talk to her."

"Not one of my better days", he admits. "But I was obsessed. I needed to see her."

"And now?"

"Now I am still obsessed", he confesses. "But I wake up in her room."

I glare at him. He lets out a chuckle. One of the ones he almost never lets out.

"She'll never talk to me again", I whine, taking another sip from my whiskey.

"It is possible", Alec adds. I cough.

"Great. Thanks so much for the help, asshole."

"But she might talk to you. Who knows? Until then, stop being so cranky and mopey all the time. It doesn't suit you."

"No?", I ask him amused. His mouth twitches.

"No. You look pathetic", he adds. I chuckle at him.

"Maybe I am pathetic", I let out, lost in thoughts.

Alec snaps at that. "You are not. And you know that."

His voice eases something in my chest.

"Thanks", I reply. He only nods. I plan to change the topic then: "Michael says hi by the way. Cassie too."

"I know. He keeps texting me every damn day. Foxy posts photos of our trip on her social media and Michael sees them all. He replies stuff to me afterwards." Foxy is Sofia's nickname from Alec. He would never call her anything else. Unless it is sweetheart or darling. But never Sofia. Only Foxy.

"I know. He showed me some photos too", I say. "You could try to smile in some of them. Would look better."

"I only smile for her", he cuts me short.

"He's eager to see you again", I add.

"I know. That's why I am coming in September too", he explains.

"What about classes? Alec, as much as Michael might want to see you, you can't bail college", I reply. I know I might sound like a parent now, but I don't care. I won't let him give up everything for us.

"I already have it covered. Talked to the director. As long as I pass my finals, I can take one month off. I'll study a bit harder. Don't worry. I need to be there for you all."

"Alec...", I try to convince him otherwise. He shakes his head.

"I have to do this, Adam. He suffered enough. And the operation will be though. He needs us. I already talked to Foxy too. She promised to come visit me in the weekends. And we'll talk daily on the phone. It will kill me to be away from her, but I have to. So please just let it go. I am coming with you to LA in September. Whether you like it or not."

"You know I like to have you there", I counter. "I am just worried for you. It is your senior year after all."

"Who cares? I am out of there in a few months anyway. And besides, the company takes precedence. I am mostly at Wrencore so that I get that diploma. Nothing more."

"And for Sofia...", I tease him.

His mouth twitches. "Yes. For her too."

We talk about something else for the rest of the time, my thoughts keep spinning around Nessie though. And how I'll have to see her for the next week, knowing I can't have her. Reminding me of what happened.

It will be pure torture.

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