As soon as I enter the room, I find some arms wrapped around me and some lips on the top of my head.
"Love", Adam breathes. "I was so worried."
I nod and sink deeper into his hug. I panicked too. I thought I lost him.
He lets go after a while, but not before brushing another kiss on the top of my head. As I am not longer in his hug, Soph comes and gives me another one, telling me how afraid she was. I squeeze her reassuring and let her know I am fine.
As she lets go, I am able to take a look around the place. It's a room with a private bar with some bartenders, a pool table and a sitting area that only has a guy and a girl on it. The guy has blonde hair, is obviously dressed in a perfect tux, and has a pair of brown eyes. The girl is in a gorgeous black gala dress, a necklace with a heart around her neck. I recognize her from social media. She's Cassie Adams, Michael Hayes' girlfriend. Her long brown hair falls freely down her shoulders and her green eyes sparkle with the sunshine. Michael and Cassie are like an it couple. Met in their freshman year and have been inseparable since. He's a famous singer, she is a biology major, but they somehow make complete sense.
The girl stops as she spots me and lets out a cheer. "Finally", she says and comes rushing to me. She has me in a hug and presses me to her chest and I have no idea how to react. She must have noticed since she lets go and says: "It's so nice to finally meet you. Adam has told me and Michael so much about you and I was dying to meet you in person." She smiles at me bright. "I'm Cassie, Cassie Adams. But just call me Cassie. Or Cass. Cass is fine. I am sure we'll be great friends in no time."
I am so surprised and confused about what's going on that I only nod and reply: "Nice to meet you too. I'm Nessie. Vanessa Shannon."
"I know. I mean, I already knew that. As I said, I have heard so much about you...", she counters and almost jumps from joy.
"Cassie, give the girl some space to breathe", the blonde guy shouts from the couch.
Cassie rolls her eyes annoyed and tells me, dismissing the guy completely: "Don't mind James over there. He thinks he's cooler than everybody when in facts he's not."
"I'll toast to that", Michael replies, already lifting the glass of scotch he somehow got since we got here.
"Me too", Alec adds, clinging his glass of something that looks like an alcohol-free mojito with Michael's and smirking at the blonde.
"Assholes", James hisses, yet stands up and comes closer to me. He reaches out for my hand and as I offer it to him, he kisses it. "James Winsgate. A pleasure to meet you."
"You couldn't be even more formal, could you?", Michael teases him. James rolls his eyes.
"Girls love it", James says.
"Well, find another girl to flirt then and not my girl", Adam replies. Every cell of my body passed out. And not my girl. My girl. Oh my Gosh.
"And besides, I don't see any girls waiting in line for you, brother", Alec adds, backing Adam up.
"Alec kinda has a point", Michael adds. "You are the only one single now."
"If I-", James reply but Soph takes me by my arm and leads me away to one of the couches. Cassie joins us and sits next to me.
"They'll be at it for some time", Soph explains while taking a sip of her cocktail. It's her favorite. Strawberries and cream. We call it Pink Perfection.
"Welcome to the family, Nessie", Cass adds smiling.
I look at her surprised but she smiles at me and takes a sip from her drink. I look better at it and notice it's Cherry Coke. I raise an eyebrow. She smirks and explains: "I know everyone expects me to have one of those fancy weird cocktails, but no thank you. I'd rather stick to this." She offers the can to me and asks: "Want some?"

and we forgave
RomanceNESSIE That night was a mistake. I just broke up with Mark. I just wanted to forget. I got drunk. Adam Cunnan saved me. Gave me shelter. Told me he loved me the next day. I touched him. Now all I want to do is forget. I left as soon as I realized wh...