A few months later
Dear Adam,
I do.
I know I told you that yesterday too as you went on one knee and asked me to be your wife, but I do. And telling it once isn't enough for how much I love you. Truth to be told, even yesterday I couldn't only say it once. I told it thousands of times until we were both crying and you pulled me to your chest and hugged me and kissed me. But I feel the need to tell it to you again.
I do.
I can't believe how many things happened in these last few months. Lewis is growing up so fast. Just a few days ago we were all in our living room, you two listening to me reading you fairytales, and he crawled for his favorite toy. Remember how we both started smiling and you took out your phone to film it all? I sometimes watch that video and find myself smiling just at the sight of him. And then smile even brighter as I see him in front of me. And when I see that little smile on his face, I can't help but feel my heart beat faster and have the urge to hold him tight to my chest and kiss the top of his head.
I love our baby boy.
I also love you, Adam. Which is why I have to say it again.
I do.
I know many couples only get one wedding, but who are they to stop us from having two. As you asked me to marry you again yesterday, I thought you were joking at first. But then you pulled out the ring and said: "I told you I'll propose to you one day, Nessie Shannon. What do you say, love? Will you marry me?". I couldn't help but cry from joy. I am doing that now too.
I can't wait to marry you again, Adam. I can't way to have our dream wedding. That's what you said too. That we'll have a wedding somewhere we want, only with our friends and family. That we'll be just us and the people we love.
I already know it will be perfect.
Adam, I love you so much.
Oh, I think I have to go now. Lewis is crying meaning he wants lunch. And then I have to order some stuff for the bookstore, so I'll have to send some emails. And I am taking Lewis out for a walk afterwards. It's such a nice day and he loves to be outside. Maybe we'll go in the park.
Ah, before I forget, I promised your Mom I'm sending her the video of Lewis we took yesterday, of him playing with Mr. Fuzzles. I know, I know, I send her too many pictures, but she always reacts with a heart at every photo. And texts me about how she wants even more photos. So, more photos it is.
I'm sending that video to the girls to. I know they're coming every Sunday to see him, and also almost every other day of the week, but they really love it when I send them pictures or videos. And since Mr. Fuzzles has been their present, Lewis really loves that teddy, they will be extra happy.
Adam, I love you so much. I can't wait to see you again tonight. It's been six hours since I last saw you and I miss you like crazy.
I love you.
Yours forever,

and we forgave
RomanceNESSIE That night was a mistake. I just broke up with Mark. I just wanted to forget. I got drunk. Adam Cunnan saved me. Gave me shelter. Told me he loved me the next day. I touched him. Now all I want to do is forget. I left as soon as I realized wh...