"How is my niece or nephew?", Nini asks.
"Is Nessie alright?", April follows.
"When can we see them?", Sofia adds.
"Can we see them now?", Noah says.
"Did everything go well?", Caden jumps in.
"Are we going to see them soon?", Dia too.
"Can you please tell us we can see them soon?", Jacob backs everybody up.
"How are you feeling?", Alec adds.
I take a deep breath. And can't seem to wipe out the smile from my face. I don't even want to. Today is the happiest day of my life.
I turn around to our friends and say: "Nessie and I are the proud parents of a new baby boy."
Everyone begins cheering, all eight of them. The girls came in with Nessie since they were there as her water broke. They all texted their boyfriends and I soon found myself with eight people standing in front of me, all excited to see the baby.
"Oh my Gosh", Sofia says, coming to hug me. "Congratulations, Adam."
"Thank you", I reply, smiling at her.
"Congratulations, brother", Alec says too, following Sofia and giving me a hug. He pats my back and comes closer to my ear so that no one else can hear as he says: "I am so happy for you, Adam. So happy. You have no idea."
"Thank you", I say chuckling. It might be the first time I heard Alec use the word "happy" in the combination with the personal pronoun "I".
The rest of them follow giving me a hug and congratulating me, and it's only after I've spoken with all eight of them as I say: "So, does anybody want to see our son?"
They all nod and start cheering again. I have to chuckle as I lead them to the room Nessie and Lewis are in. They are still in recovery, since my love just got out of the surgery and she is still feeling weak. So, before we enter, I turn around to them and say: "Nessie is still recovering, so please be careful."
"When are we ever not careful?", April asks. I roll my eyes and point with my finger at the blue balloons she and Noah are holding, the "It's a boy" balloon Nini has, the many boxes of cupcakes with blue frosting in Sofia and Dia's arms, the gift bags in Jacob, Alec and Caden's.
"When did you even have time to get all of these?", I ask them surprised.
Nini shrugs. "We texted the guys to come here and told them to pick up some stuff on the way."
"And how did you know it would be a boy?", I continue.
"We didn't", April answers. "We bought both for a girl and a boy and ditched the ones for a girl as you were hugging everybody."
I raise an eyebrow a bit alarmed.
"Relax", Jacob says, patting me on the shoulder. "There is a family out there who just got a new baby girl and we made them very happy."
I can't help but roll my eyes amused and place my hand on the doorknob. Before I open, I look at them again: "Remember, be careful."
They all let out a chuckle, Alec and Noah flipping me off, April rolling her eyes annoyed. I smile as I press the doorknob and open the door. For I know that in that room is my whole world. The woman I love and our son. My family.
"Surprise", the girls shout as they enter the room. I slap my face. They literally just said they would be careful. However, I relax as I can hear Nessie gasp and let out a cheer. I enter as the guys are also in. Sofia, Nini, April and Dia are standing next to Nessie at the margin of the bed, Alec, Caden, Noah and Jacob standing at the end of the bed looking at them. Nessie is holding our baby in her hands, close to her chest, showering him with kisses on the forehead from time to time.
"Oh my Gosh, thank you so much", my love says, pointing at the many balloons and presents our friends brought. "You shouldn't have."
"Yes, we should", April replies. All of the eight join in a nod. I can't help but smile.
Nessie smiles too as she holds the baby closer and says: "Everyone, meet our son. Lewis."
Everybody starts saying "Aw" or blushing or smiling, only Alec freezes. I go next to him and place my hand on his shoulders.
"Lewis?", he asks me surprised.
I nod.
He smiles. A full smile. "He would have loved it. And he would have loved his grandson." I can feel a tear roll down my face at that. Alec has me in a hug and pats my back again. It's then he adds. "He would be so proud of you, Adam. So proud. And so happy."
I look at Nessie holding Lewis close to her and introducing him to everybody. The girls who are all sitting on the floor next to the bed now to be at the same eye-level with Lewis and wave at him. Sofia's turn is now, who smiles brighter than I have ever seen her smile and says: "Hey there, my little prince. I'm Auntie Soph." I look at the guys who are also sitting on the floor next to the girls. I can hear Caden say: "Hi, Lewis. I'm Uncle Caden. The cool one from these three" while pointing at him, Jacob and Noah. Jacob hits Caden in the ribcage while Noah adds: "He's only joking, Lewis. I'm Uncle Noah. The actual cool uncle." Jacob is quick to counter. "I'm Uncle Jacob. The one that actually speaks the truth from here. Uncle Jacob is the best." I can see how the girls laugh at that, Nessie letting out a chuckle too. Lewis looks curious around at the people in the room. I look at Alec, who smiles at me and then turns his gaze to the rest.
I know Lewis would be happy for me now. I know he would be proud. All he ever wished for was to see us happy. And as I look at the people in this room, feel the warmth inside and the love, I know I have never been happier.
I know I have found home.

and we forgave
RomanceNESSIE That night was a mistake. I just broke up with Mark. I just wanted to forget. I got drunk. Adam Cunnan saved me. Gave me shelter. Told me he loved me the next day. I touched him. Now all I want to do is forget. I left as soon as I realized wh...