Chapter 39

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"You know we don't actually have to go on a honeymoon", I tell Adam, although I am already in the car and he is already driving to the airport. And I am already almost glowing with excitement. Many couples go on holiday to nice beaches or summer paradises. We decided to profit from the fact it is December and go to a winter wonderland. So we're going to Switzerland. Adam rented a whole cabin there for three whole weeks, so that we can spend the Christmas and New Year's there. Our friends are coming to join for the holidays, from the 24th morning to the 2nd. Until then and after that, it will just be Adam and me.

That thought equally excites me and terrifies me.

"I know", he answers. "But we have to get started on our firsts. We've never been on a holiday together before..."

"We have", I interrupt. "We've been together to Spain this Summer."

"Don't remind me of that", he mutters. I look at him surprised. He continues: "All I wanted to do was kiss you and hold you and tell you how much I love you the whole time, yet I couldn't. We wouldn't even look at each other."

I swallow hard. We did do that.

"So, my point is, this will be our first holiday as a couple", he continues.

I raise again an eyebrow. "We're not really a..."

"Great way to ruin the mood, love. You are my wife. I suppose that makes us a couple."

I chuckle. He's right. "Alright then. I'm super excited to see what you have in store, husband."
Adam freezes, his hands tightening on the wheel. It's then I realize my mistake. That sounded dirty. Very dirty.

"I'm sorry", I whisper, blushing hard. Someone take me out of here.

"Don't worry", he comments, yet doesn't find the strength to look at me for the rest of the ride.


We used his plane to get to Switzerland, and a new car has been waiting for us at the airport. A very expensive looking BMW. Adam told me that this is his car to use in Switzerland. Apparently, he has a car for every place his company has a headquarters in. And given the fact his company is the biggest security company in the world and every one of the cars costs more than my whole wardrobe, probably whole room or house, combined... Even someone who isn't so good in maths like me can tell one thing: Adam Cunnan is rich. Very rich. And has a passion for fancy cars.

We're driving along the snowy road as I spot something. "Adam, stop the car", I shout. He makes such an instant break that the wheels make a sound on the ground. I look panicked around, hoping we didn't hit anything. We didn't.

"Are you alright, love?", he asks me. I nod and open the door, rushing outside. He looks surprised and I make him a sign to follow. He doesn't comment and obeys.

As we're standing outside the car, I take his hand and curl our fingers. I can feel him tense underneath my touch and can feel his breath getting unsteady. I take a deep breath, not to show how nervous I am. I am burning. I walk away from the road and into the forest at the edge. Adam still is confused yet follows me. I stop as I see them again. And lift myself on my tiptoes to reach Adam's ear to whisper: "Look! Reindeers!"

In front of us are five reindeers, all with snowy horns and looking straight out of a fairytale. I can see Adam gasp, his jaw work. It looks so hot. Makes me forget about the reindeers for a second. It's his voice that pulls me out of my daydream: "Nice spotted, love."

I smile. And continue to look at the reindeers, him holding me in a hug.


It's our second night at the cabin. I am reading on the terrace, only in a large white sweater and some sweatpants the same color. My feet have fluffy socks on them, yet I can still feel the cold. Like choreographed, Adam comes out from the cabin. He had to send some emails until now. We spent yesterday on the road and unpacking our stuff. The cabin looks perfect, like the ones one would see in fancy architecture magazines. A fireplace with a couch, a bedroom that has everything just in place, a huge kitchen...I love it. Today we visited Geneva, and came back to the cabin at around six o'clock. Adam cooked for us and we had dinner, then he told me he had to get some urgent business donee and remained at the desk in the living room to work. He said that I could use the couch to read if I wanted to, since that wouldn't disturb him and it would be warmer than outside. I was the one who insisted to go outside to read. I am reading A Court of Mist and Fury and the view looks like Velaris itself. What else can one wish for.

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