"It is the happiest day of my life", the phrase comes out of me like from a broken radio. "Happiest day of my life."
I don't know what else to do. What else to say.
I am marrying a man to whom I told we're only marrying because of our baby, a man who deserved so much better than me and could marry any girl out there if he wanted to. But he wants to marry me and I fucking ruined that by telling him I feel nothing for him.
I feel something for him. Small. But I will always feel something for him.
"Congratulations", a woman tells Adam and me. We are walking hand in hand through the crowd in the garden. For our wedding, we rented a whole estate outside of New York, like a small castle. The garden was styled to look like a winter forest with lights, the inside of the castle looking like an ice palace. It would be perfect. For anyone out there it would be perfect.
For me it's pure torture.
Too many guests, too many expectations, too many lies...I can't.
I can't fucking do this anymore.
Adam mutters a thank you and I nod. And add the by now well-known phrase: "Thank you. It is the happiest day of my life."
The woman cheers and hugs me. I smile. Adam squeezes my hand and gives me a look telling me he read right through me.
The happiest day of my life...
As the woman lets go, Adam leads me to another couple of guests. On the way, he leans over to my ear, brushing a kiss on it and says: "Happiest day of your life..." His tone shows me he read right through me. I roll my eyes annoyed at him and continue the show.
Luckily, as we're talking to this other important CEO, a friend of Adam's who came at the wedding, some saviours arrive.
"Sorry to interrupt", Soph says appearing with Nini and April. "But we're here to steal the bride", the redhead continues.
Adam glares at them. They smile innocently and take me by my arm. I fake smile at the guest, apologizing for ending our conversation, and let myself be led by them.
"You should smile more", April whispers to me on the way. "You look like at your funeral."
"My sanity died, I'm in grief", I reply. The girls chuckle.
"Sparkle", Nini adds, fake smiling as we pass more guests. I chuckle and put a smile on.
"Where are we going?", I ask them curious. The three share a look.
"Where the fuck should I know?", April asks, still leading me by my arm. I raise an eyebrow at her.
"Your face just screamed save me so we came", Nini explains. I thank them with a look and they bring me into a room inside the house, where Caden, Jacob and Noah play pool, Dia with them.
"Ah, there is the bride", Noah says. He opens his arms and has me in a hug. Caden and Jacob follow him afterwards. Dia comes last, not letting go of me, her hand still around my shoulders as she kicks one of the balls with her stick. She nails it.
"You're actually good at this", I let out surprised. She smiles.
"My girlfriend is a natural", Jacob adds, brushing a kiss on her cheek. She chuckles.
"Thanks, guys", she replies. And hands me the stick. "You give it a try."
I chuckle and would give anything to take that stick in my hand and remain here with my friends. But it's my wedding after all. And my now-husband is somewhere outside, thanking our guests from coming here. I should help him.

and we forgave
RomanceNESSIE That night was a mistake. I just broke up with Mark. I just wanted to forget. I got drunk. Adam Cunnan saved me. Gave me shelter. Told me he loved me the next day. I touched him. Now all I want to do is forget. I left as soon as I realized wh...