Chapter 18

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"You could have at least announced me you're coming", Michael says as he spots another two people in his doorway. Alec moved here some time ago. James came now, bringing Alec a present with him. Sofia. Who decided to visit us for the weekend.

"Foxy", Alec says, the moment he steps closer and spots his girlfriend in the doorstep. Sofia lets out a gasp and rushes inside to him. He pulls her in his arms and lifts her in the air, spinning her around. They've been separated for two weeks. Yet they act like they haven't seen each other in ages.

"I missed you", Sofia says, still hugging Alec. "I missed you so much", she's crying now.

I can swear I saw a tear on Alec's cheek too.

"I missed you too, Foxy. My love. I have missed you every second of every day."

He spins her around again, making her giggle and kisses her.

"They'll be at it for some time", I say, coming closer to James and having him in a hug. His blonde hair is perfectly styled as always, his brown eyes cold but there is joy in them now. Joy of being here. Close to us. His tux is perfect. He is the one who made it. James has his own prestigious fashion empire, the Winsgate House. He is the one who makes all our tuxes.

"Missed you too, Adam", he says, patting me on the back. I chuckle.

As we let go, he walks over to Michael to greet him as well. He then greets Cassie. She doesn't seem so thrilled to have yet another guy in her house, seems more excited to see Sofia. As she lets go of Alec, a smile brightens on her face too as she spots the other girl.

"Cass", she screams and comes have her in a hug. Cassie chuckles and the two girls start cheering, almost dancing from the happiness of seeing each other again.
Michael and Cassie lead us to the rooftop terrace then and offer us all some drinks. I take a sit on one of the three couches, sharing it with James. Sofia is sitting on Alec's lap on one of the other couches and Michael is holding Cassie close to him in a hug on the last one.

"I can't believe you all came", Michael begins. We only nod.

"We wouldn't leave you alone. Not with the operation", I speak in the name of all of us. Michael and Cassie don't respond, lips almost trembling from wanting to cry. However, they nod thankful at us.

"Do you know for how long you will be staying?", Cassie asks, probably planning the guest rooms in her head.

"I'll stay until two weeks after the surgery", James clarifies. Cassie and Michael nod. They already know how long I will be staying. Three weeks after the tube was removed. Alec leaves together with me.

"I have to go back on Monday morning to New York", Sofia explains. I can see something like sadness flicker on Cassie's face. Sofia must have seen it too, since she now adds: "I wanted to come visit you before now, but some stuff came up back home. I had to stay at Wrencore to help things out." Alec and I both raise an eyebrow. For if stuff happened at Wrencore, then it must have happened to people we know. Maybe someone from the Fab Five or the girls. Alec looks at her, silently asking her questions, but she doesn't spill anything else. "I'll try to come each Friday from now on. Friday night after classes and leave back early on Monday morning. This way I can spend the weekends with you and be there for classes."

"We really appreciate it, Sofia", Michael tells he thankful. She only nods smiling polite. Cassie then adds: "We really do. Otherwise I'll be alone with these four."

"Hey", Michael interrupts her, softly hitting her on her palm. She chuckles and kisses him. I smile.

Yet I can't help but think of Nessie. And how she kissed me. I hope she's doing alright.

"How is everybody?", I ask Sofia. Alec raises an eyebrow at me, showing I might give myself away. Sofia doesn't know Nessie and I made out. Or at least, I don't think she knows. Alec promised me he wouldn't tell her. It took me two whole fucking days to convince him not to tell Sofia. Said he wouldn't keep any secrets from her. Only agreed as I swore I would tell her when the time is right.

"They are fine. We're all fine", she answers, not giving any further details. I don't know whether to take it as a good sign or a bad sign. "I am missing you at Wrencore", she says to Alec then.

"Just at Wrencore?", he teases her. Sofia chuckles.

"Not just at Wrencore", she admits. The two kiss again and Alec pulls her even closer. She doesn't object, just wraps her hands around his neck.

I'll have to get more information out of her later. But for now, I'll let them enjoy their reunion.

"How is it going?", James meanwhile asks Cassie and Michael. We all know what he means. How is it going with the tube. James is still annoyed that Cassie was the one to be connected to Michael. He thinks it should have been one of us. One of us should have taken that risk and live with the fear of dying.

"It's going alright", Michael answers.

"Better than it should be, actually", Cassie adds, letting out a small chuckle. "The doctor said it should be more painful actually, but we got used to it. It is a miracle really."

"Et c'est la stupidité qui parle", James adds in French, knowing damn well all of the ones present here apart from Cassie know the language.

Michael is close to snapping at him. He opens his mouth and wants to reply, yet it is Sofia's voice which tones first: "Et c'est le courage qui parle. C'est le combat contre le destin. C'est le souhait de garder ton amour contre toute attente. Contre toutes les épreuves. C'est le cœur qui parle. " I have never heard Sofia talk more confident. Or more threatening. For every single word she said it was true. I can see the different expressions in my brothers' eyes. Michael looks at her thankful for stepping up for his girlfriend. James looks at her rather impressed, impressed that she had the courage to comment to him. To contradict him. And the look in Alec's eyes...I have never seen him more proud of anyone in my life. And I think that it is this moment he decides that he'll never let this girl go. No matter the odds. But I guess he has known that for a while.

I look at her and realize she's one of us. She doesn't even have to try to fit in our group. For she has always belonged here.

Sofia's face still remains diplomatic, like in the meetings between her and other ministers or heads of state. She lifts her glass up and stares James as she asks: "Drink?"

And James smirks at that. He lifts his glass and toasts: "To wise women."

Sofia still holds her glass up as she turns to look at Cassie, her gaze warming many degrees. "To the ones who fight against all odds. The ones who will never give up." I can see tears in Cassie's eyes at Sofia's toast. Some roll down Michael's cheeks too. Alec still looks at his girlfriend as if she personally put the stars up in the sky. I guess she did. For him, she did. Alec had been hollow before Sofia. Living only because he had too. But there is a happiness in his eyes now. Content. He lives not just because this is the fate he has to endure, but because he can't wait to wake up every day and see her.

I smile at that. And secretly wish I could find a love like theirs.


She left. She is probably with Mark. Forgetting me.

I could never forget her. Will never forget her. For as long as I live.

I thought I could do it. Move on. It appears I can't.

I take a sip from my drink and fake a smile. This moment now is one of the few I have with my whole family. I won't let my thoughts keep me away.

Not now.

I take another sip and fake a brighter smile. The others bite it, but Alec reads straight through me.

And the look he is giving me now tells me everything.

He knows.

He knows that my heart still aches for her.

Alec reaches his hand towards me and clings our glasses. "To forgiving", he says.

"And forgetting", I add.

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