I look around and sense someone holding my hand. It is Adam. I turn to see him and notice he is crying. But there is a bright smile on his face, one that I have never seen in my life. He kisses my hand and holds it even tighter. It's then he points with his eyes somewhere in the room. I follow his gaze and see a nurse.
Carrying my baby.
I have to cry at the sight, warm tears rolling down my cheeks, feeling my heart with joy. My baby.
The woman must have known how much I want to hold my baby now, since she comes in my direction and says: "Your baby boy is perfect."
Our baby boy.
She gently hands me our son and I can't believe this moment is real.
"Hello there", I tell him, still crying from joy. "Hi", I repeat, touching his hand. He curls his fingers around one of mine. I have to chuckle and feel how more tears roll down my face. Our son looks up then and I see the most beautiful pair of blue eyes I have ever seen. They are perfect. So is our son. He's perfect. Perfect.
I cry as I hold him close to my chest, kiss the top of his head, his forehead, his cheeks, his hands. I can't believe this is happening. I kiss the top of his head again. My baby. I have never been happier. I have never been happier.
"My whole world", I whisper to him and he looks up at me again. I kiss his forehead, like I could never stop.
I can hear a sound from next to me. It's Adam. Who is crying too. He looks at me and our son and his face only shows love. I smile at him and ask: "Would you like to hold him?"
Adam looks at me surprised, but then nods smiling between tears. I gently take our baby in my arms and bring him to Adam's chest. Adam is quick to place his hands protective around the baby and also kisses him on the forehead once. Our son looks up at him and Adam smiles brighter. He kisses the top of his head and I cry at the sight. The two people I love most on this planet. I wipe away some tears and smile as I see my future. One that is filled with love.
"Adam", I whisper, and he immediately looks at me. He is still holding our son tight to his chest, offering him a finger that our baby plays with.
"Yes, love", he says.
I smile. "Do you know what name you want our son to have?"
He looks at me surprised, then at the baby in his hands. Adam shakes his head once. It's then I make myself courage to say the next thing. "I was thinking, we could name him Lewis."
Adam freezes. And as he looks at me, I can see the surprise in his eyes. And the joy. "Are you sure?"
"Only if you would like it too", I whisper, my voice unsteady.
He nods. Once at first. Then he starts nodding a lot, crying and smiling at the same time. "I would love that. Very much." He takes a deep breath. "Thank you."
Adam comes closer to me and gently places our baby back in my hands. I smile and kiss him on the forehead, before I tell him: "Welcome to the family, Lewis. Mom and Dad love you very much."
Adam kneels next to the bed so that he can be on the same eye-level with me. He reaches me one hand, and I take it, with the other one holding Lewis tight to my chest.
"Very much. We love you so very much", Adam tells him before he kisses my cheek then kisses Lewis on the forehead.
I only read about happy ever afters before. I never thought that I would ever live it. But as I look at Adam and Lewis now, I know that this isn't just a happy ever after. It's the happiest.

and we forgave
RomanceNESSIE That night was a mistake. I just broke up with Mark. I just wanted to forget. I got drunk. Adam Cunnan saved me. Gave me shelter. Told me he loved me the next day. I touched him. Now all I want to do is forget. I left as soon as I realized wh...