I don't know how these last few months went by. My body has been like on autopilot. I spent the time mostly with Curt at the bookstore, learning about how to run this place. Starting next month he is moving somewhere in Canada, in the town Jenna grew up in. I tried to ask him why he is doing it and tell him that this will only make him suffer more, yet he told me that this is what he has to do.
Which leaves me at the bookstore today. Curt not here. He told me I am ready to do this on my own and he decided to spend more time packing his belongings. Yet I am still trying my best to learn how things work, trying not to mind that my whole body is aching and that the baby started kicking or that all I want to do is cry for I miss Jenna.
The first time the baby kicked my heart jumped. It was one of the first times I felt my child. I can always feel him or her and know that there is a baby growing inside me, but the first kick...I had to laugh and cry at the same time. Together with Adam, we started making a baby album. I was so excited for it and now he helps me take a polaroid photo of my baby bump every week. We gather them all in the album. My husband has also been coming with me to every doctor's appointment. We don't know the baby's gender however. We could have known and the doctor's told us they know and that we can find out, but Adam and I chose to let it be a surprise until the day the baby arrives. My besties weren't particularly thrilled about the decision. They all started buying baby clothing that they find cute, and don't know which color they should buy. I, on the other hand love that it's going to be a surprise.
"Where do you want me to put this?", Dia asks me. With Curt gone and everything that is happening lately, I haven't found an employee yet. So my besties jumped in and each one helps me in their free day. Soph is always here on Tuesdays, Nini on Wednesdays, April on Mondays and Dia on Fridays. The rest of the days they split up between them. I am so very thankful for their efforts.
I look at my bestie now. She is in one of her beige sweaters, a black skirt, some black boots, a pair of thighs that is the same color as her skin and some big knitted beige socks that stick outside her boots and she tucked them at the ankles. Her brown hair is up with a beige clip, her headphones on since she was sorting books and told me that would help.
I look at the the many books in her hands and tell her where to put each one of them. She nods understanding and goes place them where I told her to. I thank her as she's already on her way upstairs and then I turn to focus on the next client.
It's after I spoke with other five clients, baked two trays of chocolate chip cookies and worked a bit in the garden as I am interrupted. I am at the counter, trying to arrange some visit cards with my name and the official email address of the bookstore on them, when someone tips on my shoulders. I yelp shocked and turn around, almost falling down on the ground. Some bright hands quickly hold me by my arms and another pair of hands go on my waist to hold me from behind. As I calm down and find my balance, I look at the ones that arrived. In a pastel yellow hoodie with a pair of jeans and some chucks is Jacob, the one who held me by my back. And in a WRENCORE HOCKEY hoodie with some sweatpants and sneakers is Caden, the one who held my arm.
"Everything alright?", Caden asks me, making sure I am fine. I nod and he calms down a bit, yet he doesn't let me go until he makes sure that I can stand on my own two feet.
"What are you guys doing here?", I ask them, surprised by their visit.
"We came to buy books", Caden answers. I raise an eyebrow at that. He chuckles. "As surprising as it seems, I do know how to read, Nessie."
"No, no, no, I didn't mean that", I quickly add embarrassed. He smirks at me to assure me he took no offense and that everything is fine.
"I am here to stay", Jacob adds, removing his hoodie and remaining in a plain white T-Shirt that shows off his muscles.

and we forgave
RomanceNESSIE That night was a mistake. I just broke up with Mark. I just wanted to forget. I got drunk. Adam Cunnan saved me. Gave me shelter. Told me he loved me the next day. I touched him. Now all I want to do is forget. I left as soon as I realized wh...