Chapter 11

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"Where's my beautiful booklover? I brought you wattpad-worthy pictures of shirtless Caden", Nini shouts as she strolls inside the dorm room, only a small backpack in her hands. I let out a shout and go hug her, having missed her too much. My friends just came back from their holiday, after they all ended up in Monte Carlo. April started dating her worst enemy, Noah Coin (talk about enemies-to-lovers not being the coolest trope out there), but then she thought he cheated on her. But he didn't and came to see her and then he confessed his love and they started dating again. Dia was with them in Monte Carlo, since she left the Summer house with April that day she saw the texts that made her think Noah cheated on her. Dia was also sad. Only her story didn't get a happy ever after yet. Her boyfriend, ex-boyfriend now and the newest addition to my kill-list, hurt her. She wouldn't tell me details on the phone and as I asked my other besties, they told me she wouldn't speak about that night to them either. But I know he got aggressive, since Dia has a scar behind her left ear now and one on her ribcage. She tries to hide them though as best as she can. Today, as she came back with April and Soph from the holiday, she wore a large beige Lana del Rey T-Shirt with a short brown skirt, some black boots and headphones on her ears. She used to give them off when with us, yet April already explained she does that to hide the scar behind her ear. I nodded and gave Dia a hug with an extra squeeze.

The three asked me about my holiday and I told them as much as I could. Told them how I spent my days reading and posting book reviews on goodreads. How I went on dates with Mark. They already knew I got back together with him, told them on the phone some weeks ago.

I didn't tell them about Adam. Or what we two did. Or how I feel now. That's something I have to figure out on my own first.

I don't love Adam Cunnan. I don't even know him.

But every thought keeps bringing me back to him.

Like in a loophole.

I force the thoughts away and focus on the redhead who just entered through that door. Nini has also been in Monte Carlo with the others, but she stopped at Caden's dorm room first. She then came here.

I give her another squeeze and then we let go. She looks so happy. So relaxed. One can tell she just came from holiday. Her skin is tanned, her brown eyes still glowing with happiness. Well, every one of my besties looks happy. Except for Dia. And me.

"Broadway, I thought those pictures were for me", a masculine voice tones from the hallway. Seconds later Nini's boyfriend enters our flat, carrying all of Nini's suitcases at once. All six of them. I can see my bestie's eyes stopping on her boyfriend's arms for a bit too long. More exactly, on his muscles. For her boyfriend, Caden West, part of the Fab Five and Wrencore's hockey captain, looks just like one of the guys one would see on Wattpad book covers. The smutty ones. Blue-green eyes, dark hair, a body that seems sculpted by the universe itself. Nini smirks at the view.

"I know, babe", she says, giving him a kiss. "I was just doing humanity a favor. Some people would spend hours on Pinterest just searching for your foto credit. I stroll right in and show pictures."

"I don't know if I want to kiss you or tease you", Caden mumbles at her. He sets the luggages on the ground so he can tickle her. Nini laughs and sets herself free.

"Start with the first one and we'll see where it leads to", she answers. Caden agrees without any sign of regret and kisses her.

I know they would have been at it for a while were it not for Soph coming inside the room. As she sees them, she rolls her eyes amused.

One would think Soph would head out based on her outfit now, but after living with this girl for over two years, I can tell she isn't. The overly expensive Chanel head-to-toe look is like her signature. She always wears that. Pearls around her neck, blonde hair perfectly styled, lips colored a bright red. Her blue eyes also always find a way to glow with the Sunshine. I don't know how she does it. Every single time, it's like they're sparkling. Diamonds. Fit for a princess.

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