Chapter 16

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"You don't have to do this", Nini says, walking hand in hand with me to the secretary.

"But I do", I answer. "There is no other way."

Nini puts her hand on her cheek to wipe out a tear. "But you love your major", she tries to change my mind.

I nod, sighing at that. "I am not giving it up, Nini. I am just changing to online classes. That's all."

She looks at me, eyes filled with tears. "It is not the same."

She's right. I know she is. It's been one week since I found out I am pregnant, and I decided to move to online classes starting fall. I need to find a job to be able to earn some money to be able to offer my child the life they deserve. I am not putting my own wishes above the needs that came in the game now.

No matter how much it hurts. For Nini really was right. It won't be the same. I'll only be home with my besties in the evenings. I will not be able to be with them for lunch or meet them between classes. I will be at my job, then struggling to keep up with my lessons. I looked over what it means to be an online student for English lit. They are some classes made on a virtual meeting that one has to attend. They are usually once pro week. Then, we will always have some books we have to read and analyze. Then write essays longer than the book itself. It will be though, but I'll do it. I know I can. "I know", I whisper, tears in my eyes. "I'll miss you too."

She starts crying and rushes in my arms, giving me a hug. I hug her back and squeeze her to my chest. As we let go, I wipe her tears away and she gives me an encouraging smile. I clench on to it as I make my way into the secretary's office.

Only to have my world break even more.


"They can't do that", Soph says, pacing around the room. We are all gathered in our dorm room, maybe for one last time, trying to find a solution. For they kicked me out of this place. They kicked me out of the dorm. Kicked me out of my home. Told me it is for on-campus students only.

"Want some water?", Caden asks Soph, noticing how pale she is. For the guys joined our group meeting, trying to find a solution. Of course, obviously not Alec. Or Adam. Just Caden, Noah and Jacob, who are the only ones apart from my besties who know about my pregnancy. They obviously don't know who the baby's father is. The girls and I didn't tell. They noticed it was a touchy subject and didn't ask. We also made the three swear they won't tell anyone. They accepted that too.

"I'll try talking to them again", Soph continues, voice annoyed. And completely dismissing Caden. He seems a bit hurt, still holding a glass of water for her in his hands. Nini quickly pats his shoulder giving him an encouraging look and says: "Very sweet, but not the time, babe."
He nods and kisses her once.

"We already did that", I say, sinking even deeper on the floor. "It didn't work." For Soph stormed angry as shit into the secretary's office as she heard the news about me having to leave the dorm. They refused to accept her requests of keeping me here. Although she's a princess. Told her the rules apply for everyone.

"I'll do it again. I'll throw every single one of those shitheads in the dungeon if I have to", she counters.

"Woah", Jacob replies, trying to lighten the mood a bit. "You actually have a dungeon?"

Soph nods proud. Jacob cheers a bit for her.

"I could move out of my place", Noah suggests. We all look at him confused. Especially April. He explains: "Kai already moved out and I'm left alone in that apartment." Kai, April's brother and Noah's best friend, used to be his roommate, yet moved out a few weeks ago, wanting to live with his fiancé, Cami, who just moved to the States from Spain. "I could try to share a room with them."

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