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I flip around on my side and look out the window. The light that beams in is comforting. As I sit up and step out of my bed, I'm reminded of the events of yesterday and how I almost messed everything up. Yesterday, must have just been one of those days, because now, I want to make things right with the prince.

As Julie steps in to get me ready, I realize it must have been her words that have changed my mind. "Good morning, Princess." I hum in response, not ready to talk yet.

As Julie starts dressing me, I spit out "I think I want to make things right with the prince." Julie claps her hands softly. "That's great!" I smile at Julie, I love the way she's always so happy. It brings me so much joy.

Once my handmaiden is done with my hair, I look in the mirror at my braided hair. "Are you ready, princess?" I sigh, still unsure of how I'm going to make things right. "I suppose I am." Julie nods and exits the room.

I step out of my room shortly after Julie leaves and I walk down the stairs into the kitchen. I grab a basket full of biscuits and leave to go find prince Nicolas.

I find the prince in the hallway, talking to his friend Harry. Once Harry sees me, he steps away and goes to talk to a noble thats sitting down, drinking wine.

"Nicolas." He turns around and clears his throat. "I'm sorry for yesterday, and I know you may not forgive me but It's fine, I just wanted to apologize."

Nicolas nods and I hold out the basket of biscuits. "Would you like a biscuit?" Nicolas raises an eyebrow. "I've already eaten, thanks." I look down in embarrassment.

"What you pulled yesterday was uncalled for. You think this is my fault?" I shake my head quickly. "No I know it isn't your fault I-" He stops me. "Perhaps this is why you aren't married yet. Perhaps without me you'd be unmarried forever"

My heart drops. How could he say that? My eyes fill with tears, hatred, and rage. I step away silently and go back towards the kitchen.

I slam the basket down on the counter and walk outside. I take a seat on the couch outside and sigh.


The sound of glasses and silverware clinking fills my ears. One loud one in particular stands out and my father stands up. Everyone stops eating and talking, and their full attention goes to my father.

We are in another one of our dining rooms tonight, one that many other nobles and ladies have joined us for dinner.

"A toast, to my daughter and her future husband. May they wed and live a long happy life with heirs." I almost choke at the thought. I look over and see Nicolas. He has clenched fist, but still a smile to please my father.

I quickly finish eating and I walk out of the room. As I'm walking back, Victoria comes around the corner. "How is he?" I sigh. "Well, I'm pretty sure we hate each other." Victoria stops and looks at me. "What are you going to do?" I haven't thought about that. "I'm not sure."

Victoria smiles. "We can make him jealous at the ball tonight. Come, we must get ready." I follow Victoria into my room of dresses. My ladies are already in there.

I have so many dresses, I don't know what to do with, so I happily let my ladies use them. "I think I'm going to wear purple tonight." Anne looks down. I can see she's upset. Her favorite color is purple, but only royalty can wear purple. Another dumb rule.

"Anne, you'd look good in blue." I pick up a silky blue dress and Anne's face lights up as she takes the dress and runs off to get ready. Victoria pulls out a red dress and looks at me for approval. I nod and she runs out to get dressed, chasing after Anne.

"Catherine? What will you wear?" Catherine was rather shy, so I always had to help her pick out dresses and give her special attention to make sure she isn't being left out.

"Well, I do like the color green." I smile and scan my closet for a green dress. I hold up the dress I picked out and Catherine smiles. "Go get dressed, I'll be here when you get back."

I go back to my chambers to greet my handmaiden, Julie. Julie hurries to get me ready. "You're late, princess." "I'm sorry, my ladies needed help picking out dresses." I give her a sincere look and she smiles at me, while finishing up.

Once Julie finishes, I hop up and run back to my big closet room. I gasp at the sight of my ladies all standing with their dresses on. "You ladies look amazing." Anne flashes me with her dazzling eyes. "Thank you, Mary, you look great too."

My ladies and I walk into the ballroom. Victoria leans over and whispers, "Don't worry, I have a plan." I raise an eyebrow, afraid of what her so called "plan" is.

We walk and sit at a table. Catherine fiddles with her hands. When she does this, she's nervous. I grab her hand and rub it with my thumb, like my mother does to me. "It's okay Catherine. Nothing bad will happen."

Catherine hums and nods her head. "Let's dance." Victoria says. I immediately get up and pull Catherine and Anne to the dance floor.

We start dancing and a slow song comes on. Each of my ladies somehow find someone to dance with quickly, leaving me. Just as I am about to go sit down, a tall man puts his hand out. "May I?"

I nod and take his hand. We start dancing which seems like only a couple seconds until the song stops. I thank him, and I go sit down.

I feel a pair of eyes watching me so I scan the ballroom to find Nicolas staring at me. Is this what Victorias plan was? To get that guy to ask me to dance to make Nicolas jealous? I look over and see Harry standing beside him.

"Victoria, I think your plan worked." I say, turning my attention to my ladies. Victoria nods her head and takes a drink. "I knew it would work" Anne smiles. "Wait you were in this too?" I give her a puzzled look. Anne nods. "Yes, although I thought Catherine would give it away with her nerves. We all giggle.

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