twenty three

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"Good morning, princess." Julie comes rushing into my room. "How was your visit to Scotland?" Julie asks, picking up two dresses.

"Horrific." I chuckle. "I'll wear the white dress." The dress was a gorgeous plain white dress. Julie worked silently putting on my jewelry. She had picked out a pearl necklace that was my mothers and a pair of silver dangling earrings.

"You look gorgeous." I couldn't help but smile, I loved compliments and I loved looking at myself in the mirror. Julie bowed her head and walked out of my chambers.

Before leaving my chambers, I took a minute to look around my room, taking everything in. I was so glad to be back home. Today, I was going shopping with Nicolas and my ladies. That was the main thing on my mind today.

I also had to deal with the Scottish king and queen, but that was a duty for tonight. I kept debating if I should tell Nicolas or not, but it kept leading me back to he might get mad at me, even though he's made it clear over and over again he'd chose me over his parents.

As much as I wanted to forget about everything, a knock came from my door. "Come in." I yell. Moments later, a servant comes in my chambers and hands me a note. "A note from the Royal English Spy Service, the team that works for you, princess." The servant says.

I nod my head and the servant bows and walks out. I quickly opened the note and the note read:

"Dear Princess Mary, you have hired our team to find more information about who killed your mother, the latest Queen. We have found out the new Queen, Queen Clarissa, secretly plotted with the Scottish rulers to kill your mother.

The Scots promised Clarissa marriage to the Prince Nicolas once the English family was killed off."

My heart dropped. More bad news? This time, it was someone I accepted to my own family that was causing trouble. Now she wanted to take my future husband and kill my siblings and I?

I stormed out of my chambers and ran right to my step mothers chambers. Once I got there, I slammed open the doors and shut them.

Clarissa quickly jumped up. "You're supposed to knock at the queens chambers before you come in." Before I knew it, I was slapping her.

Clarissa fell onto the ground and I picked up the tool that the servants use to adjust the fire. I pointed it at her neck.

"I know what you did. I know that because of you, my mother and my friend Victoria is dead. You will never take my crown, and you will never take my future husband."

Clarissa was squirming, trying to get away. "Let's make one thing clear, Nicolas is mine. He will never be yours and I will do whatever I have to do to protect him from a monster like you. After all, an eye for an eye right?"

Just as I finished saying that, I stabbed the tool into Clarissa and sat up. "Even though you took my friends whole head." I muttered as I was walking out.

Thankfully for me, there was no guards standing outside her chambers. What kind of queens chambers aren't guarded all the time?

I quickly ran into my chambers to get a new dress on, the gorgeous white dress I was wearing was covered in blood.

To my surprise, when I slipped into my chambers, Nicolas was sitting on a chair, in my chambers. I tried to hide the blood but he had already saw it.

I cleared my throat. "I suppose I'll have to get one more dress to make up for this one."

Nicolas looked at me in horror and jumped up. He looked at the blood spot and was checking me up and down. "It's not my blood." I said, giggling.

Nicolas was panting and he looked scared for his life. "Sorry." I said, I really didnt mean to scare him like that.

"I'll explain once I get dressed." I muttered and walked to my dressing room. I picked out a light pink dress with silver outlining.

Once I was dressed, I walked out to my vanity and replaced my earrings with new pink earrings. I kept on my mothers necklace and turned around to face Nicolas.

"I suppose I'll send word to my ladies I'm ready to go shopping." I said, walking out the room not wanting to talk about it.

Nicolas followed behind me, but as soon as Nicolas and  I walked out of my chambers, everyone was scrambling in the hallways.

One servant came up to me. "Her majesty, the queen, is dead." I pretended to be shocked until the servant walked away.

"Oh dear." I muttered and turned back to Nicolas who was staring at me in shock. "Well." I started.

"You killed the queen of England?" Nicolas whispered, pulling me into an empty room.

"I'm sorry, please don't be mad. I found out she was responsible for killing my mother and Victoria." Nicolas was still staring at me.

"She wanted to marry you after she killed me." I quickly said, still looking down.

"I've never been more proud of you." Nicolas said smiling. He lifted my chin up and kissed me.

I threw my arms around him. "I suppose our shopping trip will have to wait." I said, saddened.

Nicolas just started laughing.

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