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"A little bit to the left." I pause and look at it a second. "No, a little bit to the right." I hear a chuckle behind me.

"Harry." I say, as I spin around. "At your service." He says while giving me a dramatic bow. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" Harry smiles and walks to my side.

"Well, I was just going for a little stroll when I saw you torturing the servants." I'd forgotten all about the servants who were hanging up party decorations. I quickly look over to them. "That's fine, for now" I say, turning my attention back to Harry.

"Tonight is the first ball my parents let me host, all my myself, it has to be perfect." Harry nods slowly. "Walk with me." I say, I just feel like walking and forgetting about all the drama at court.

"Better mood today? Me and Nicolas watched your toast at the wedding last night." He said the word "toast" sarcastically.

"Well, I for one, was drunk. And for two, I suppose I was just upset that my sister was being sent away just to make England richer."

"Aren't you supposed to be all for making your kingdom richer? I mean, after all, you are the princess of England." Harry gives me a puzzled look once he finishes talking.

"Harry be honest, did I ruin everything last night?" Harry stops walking and he pulls out a seat for me at a random table in the hallway. "No, I suppose you did not."

Harry was looking at me funny. His left eye was twitching and he was fiddling with his hands. "Harry, what's happened?" I ask concerned.

"It is treason to lie to royalty!" I say, my voice heightened. Harry clears his throat. "Well, you see -" Harry is interrupted by the sound of trumpets playing.

"Nicolas, Dauphin of Scotland." I run over to the window. "Nicolas left the castle?" I ask Harry in an accusing voice that I regretted as soon as I asked it.

I look at Nicolas stepping out of the carriage and he holds his hand out, for someone else to step out. "Who has he brought with him?" Harry looks down.

"This is why you were so nervous? What is it? What has happened?" I ask quickly, my heart pounding.

"Mary." Harry starts, stopping when I look at the girl who has stepped out the carriage. "I don't recognize her."

I run downstairs, with Harry chasing after me. "Mary, stop. Don't do anything you shouldn't." I scoff. "I'm telling you this as a friend, princess." I roll my eyes. "Friends don't lie to each other."

As I'm running out the door I hear Harry say "I didn't lie, I just didn't tell you." I scoff again. Where did he get the nerve? "Same thing!" I yell back, still running.

Once I get up to Nicolas and the strange girl, I stop to catch my breath. "It is not ladylike for a woman to be running around like a wild bear in front of her court." My father says. I turn around and give him a nasty look.

Nicolas comes up to me. "Mary, this is Lady Jane." I give Nicolas a puzzled look. "Scottish, is she?" When Nicolas gives me a nod, I automatically understand.

I run back inside to find Harry standing there, waiting for me. I have tears running down my face. "Mistress?" I ask him, my voice cracking. When Harry gives me a nod, a hug him as hard as I can.


"Mary." I turn to Harry who is sitting on the seat across from me. "It's your turn." I look down and remember we are playing chess. "How long have you known?" I ask in a soft voice, while playing my turn.

"I've known since he first started.." His voice trailed off. "I had no idea he'd bring her here."

I nod. "I'm sorry." Harry looks at me. "I didn't mean to hug you like that in front of everyone, and I'm sorry that you feel like you have to hang out with me so I feel better, I know your Nicolas's friend, not mine. So, I also understand that you didn't have to tell me."

Harry stays silent for a moment. "You're my friend, too. Ever since we got here, Nicolas has been avoiding me. You're the only person who treats me as an equal and doesn't use their position against me."

I stay silent, thinking about how I told him it was treason to lie to a royal. "I told you it was treason to lie to a royal, you do know I'd never have any harm brought to you, right?"

Harry nods. "Thank you, princess." I giggle and Harry plays his turn in chess.

I love this friendship, it seems to natural, I would have never thought I'd become friends with my future husbands friend. I've only ever had my ladies as my friends, so it's nice to have someone else.

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