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"Princess Mary." A servant bows while passing me. The whole palace has heard of my tantrum to the two guards in the armory room by now.

It sickens me to know some servants are actually afraid of me. Was I really that horrible to the guards? Did I take it too far? I had no clue. Maybe I should've told the guards to put him down and just brushed it off.

The only good thing that came out of my tantrum is now, Harry is aloud to go about wherever he pleases, which is nice.

Harry came up behind me as I was walking. I had no idea where I was walking to. "Good afternoon." I say, turning to face him. I had a smile plastered on my face while he had glossy eyes.

"Did you hear about the attacks in the village?" Harry asked. "I did hear about the attacks, apparently a group attacked a village close to the castle."

Harry nods. "There's gossip the attacks may spread to the castle." He pauses for a minute. "Inside the castle walls." My smile drops. "What?" I say, my voice unsteady.

"Mary, you have to stay safe, guards around you at all times." I nod slowly, taking in the information. "Who could be responsible?" I ask looking up at Harry. "Anyone, there's terrible people out there."

I sigh, thinking about what I have to do today. The only thing I need to do is attend my family dinner. "I suppose you want me safe and sound in my chambers all day." I joke.

Harry nods. "And I'd feel even better if you'd let me accompany you, just until the attacks pass."

I nod and we walk to my chambers. I always have two guards standing outside my chambers. So, I didn't need anymore.

When Harry and I enter my chambers, he looks around, taking in my room. "Do you like it?" I ask, breaking the silence. When he nods, I take a seat.

"So, what shall we do to pass the time?" I ask. "How about a rematch in chess?" Harry grins.

"Mary, you have to get ready for dinner, or else you'll be-" My handmaiden Julie's voice trails off when she sees me and Harry playing chess.

"Oh, sorry to interrupt." Julie says. "No need to apologize. Julie, this is Harry, my friend." I say. "Hello Harry." Julie says. "Harry, this is Julie, my handmaiden."

Once I introduce them to each other, I sit at my vanity and let Julie get me ready. Harry watches, fascinated.

"Is your friend okay?" Julie whispers. "Yes, he's not used to this." I whisper back. When Julie gives me a puzzled look I quickly clarify. "He's a commoner." Julie nods in realization. "The way you've dressed him up would make anyone believe otherwise."

I giggle. "He's a favorite of the princess of England. Of course people would believe otherwise."

Once Julie was done, I got up from the chair and let Julie admire her work. A tradition when she gets me ready. She loves looking at me all put together.

"You look gorgeous." Julie says. "Thank you. Julie." I smile.

"Be careful." Julie stops me before I leave. "I'm sorry?" I ask, waiting for her to clarify. "The servants are scared of you, because of what you've said to the guards." I look down. Any other royal would say "Good, fear works best for ruling a kingdom" but me? I hated the idea of people being scared of me.

"Thank's, Julie." I say, my voice unsteady as I walk out the room with Harry.

"I'm sorry, princess." I look at Harry with a puzzled look. "What?" I ask. "If I hadn't said anything to the guards none of this would have happened." I say. Harry nods, but I could tell he still felt bad.

Harry takes my arm and he walks me down to dinner. He stops a couple doors before the dining room to drop me off. "Have a good dinner." He smiles.

I walk down to the dining room and sit. "Nice of you to finally join us." My father says. I give him a sarcastic smile.

"Dear, are you ready for your wedding?" My mother asks. I almost choke on my food. "It's still a couple months away."

"Yes, but, are you ready?" I scoff. "This is bull." I say, slamming my fork down.

"Honey, please, calm down." My mother says. I roll my eyes, I see a servant come out of the kitchen to give me more wine.

"Mother, you are so stuck up. Why can't we just have one good family dinner without you talking about something that makes me mad?"

My mother puts her fork down calmly. The waiter finishes pouring my wine and moves over to my mother.

"Dear, please. It was a simply question I was just trying to-" My mothers voice stopped. I was still looking down angry, but when I looked up all I saw was red and my siblings faces in shock.

I stared at my mother in horror. She had been stabbed. The guards quickly grabbed the waiter and pulled him away.

"Harry's warning." I said gasping for air. I moved away from the table, still unable to breathe. My siblings had already left the room, running to get a doctor.

"Harry." I said silently. "Get Harry!" I screamed at one of the servants, standing around my mother.

Harry appeared and ran towards me. "What's happened?" He asked. "My- My mother" I say. Harry stands me up and walks me out of the horrific scene.

"Just breathe, you got this. They're going to fix your mother and she is going to be just fine." Harry says, calmly. "Harry, the last thing I said to her.." Harry stops me from talking and carries me to my chambers.

"Is she alright?" I hear an angry voice coming from outside my chambers. Nicolas runs in.

"Mary, I heard about your mom." He says, resting his arm on my cheek. I'm still shocked at what happened tonight.

Harry runs into the room, calming himself when he sees it's just Nicolas and not any intruders.

I sit up. "The last thing I told my mom is that she's stuck up." Nicolas gives me sad eyes.

I stand up, pacing back and forth. Unsure of what to do.

I hear a knock at the door. Nicolas and Harry stand up, drawing their swords, standing in front me. "Come in." I say, shaking.

A servant comes in. "He's gotten away, the guy who stabbed your mother." My heart sinks as the servant closes the door.

I sit down on the couch. "Help me. Help me find the guy who did this." I say, turning to the men who sit in front of me.

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