twenty nine

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"Your brother, James, is saying he's the rightful heir to the throne." Nicolas said, pacing back and forth.

"What, so he's trying to rule England now?" I roll my eyes at the idea.

"He has supporters, but you are the rightful heir to the throne. You are queen and you must claim your throne before it is too late."

"Get Agatha and pack up a carriage, we are leaving for England today." I say, standing up from my chair.


"Mary, queen of England and Scotland." The announcer says as I step out of the carriage.

I grab Agathas hand as some people look at me in horror on why I was holding a strange girls hand.

With Nicolas by my side I storm into the throne room.

"I am Mary, queen of the English and Scottish, and I have come for my throne."

Everyone bowed and I couldn't help but smile.

"Mary! I missed you." Harry hugs me and looks down at Agatha. "Who's this?" He asks.

Agatha hides behind my dress. "This is Agatha, she's shy."

Harry still looks confused but goes with it. "Your father's funeral." Harry starts but I stop him.

"I will go to his burial." I state. "But nothing else." In my opinion, a cold hearted queen sucks, but I have to be one in this case.

I refuse to let my people see me fall apart any more.

I blink to try and force away the tears but I can't help it when my father is officially buried.

"Mary, let's go." Nicolas says, tugging on me. He doesn't want me to stay and be haunted with the vibes of today.

"I'm so sorry." Nicolas says, pulling me into a hug.

We get back into the carriage to go back to the castle. "I don't know if I can handle being queen anymore." I say, looking down.

"Mary, you are one of the strongest people I know, you can do this." He says, grabbing my hand and kissing me.

I have coronation tomorrow and it's true, I don't know if I can do this. I will try though, for Agatha, my husband, and my people.

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