twenty one

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"Good afternoon, princess Mary." A servant comes into my chambers. "I'm here to inform you, your meeting with the King is in five minutes." The servant bows and walks away.

I'm aware my meeting with the King is in five minutes, but I was taking my time because I was dreading this. I finally sigh and walk down the stairs to the meeting room.

"You wanted a meeting?" I ask as I'm walking into the meeting room. The king gives me a fake smile and sits down. I sit down too and wait for the king to talk.

"Mary, we got off to a rough start." The king says. "Princess Mary, and you basically murdered my mother, so yes, we did get off to a rough start." I clear my throat.

"Your wedding will be held in England, I will be there." The king says, giving me a piece of paper.

I glance at the paper and see that it's not wedding plans, this piece of paper states Scotland is using England to attack France.

"Oh dear, I don't think this is the right paper." I say sarcastically. "So tell me, what are you planning to do after you run my country dry?" I ask, standing up.

I hear the door opening behind me, but without looking back, I start yelling. "So this is it? You're going to run my country dry? This is why my mother is dead? Over some mere drama?" I scream.

"Well, hopefully the lords at your court will be willing to-" I cut the king off. "Exactly! My court. Not your court, we may be allies but it takes one word from me to my father and your country is done for!" I scream at the king.

I turn around and see Nicolas standing there in shock. He slowly steps forward and stands beside me. "What has happened?" Nicolas asks.

"Nicolas, tell this English whore she's being foolish!" The king yells, pointing at me. Before the words can process, Nicolas takes out his sword and presses it against his father's neck.

"Insult my fiancé again, I'll cut it." Nicolas grunts out and takes a few steps back, standing in front of me in a protective manor.

"Mary and I will not help you with anything, when we rule, our main duties will be to rule Scotland and England, not to listen to your foolishness." Nicolas says, grabbing my hand and walking away.

"He should have executed her sooner, maybe then  I could have gotten a chance for a real son, a real ruler." The king said, walking the other way.

Before Nicolas could grab his sword, I grab his hand and walk him away.

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