twenty five

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"Princess?" One servant with blonde hair tapped on me. I've been sitting in my bed all day, feeling terrible about what I've done.

Nicolas isn't mad at me, he said he just needs some time to process the information.

"Your father has requested your presence in the throne room for you to see your wedding dress." Another servant with red hair said.

"Please, leave me." I said, still not moving.

Once the servants left, I got up to let Julie in. "I'm glad you're out of bed and moving." Julie said, bowing her head and setting up her things."

"I've picked out a gorgeous dress for you today." Julie pulled out a green dress. The dress was plain but I didn't feel like arguing.

Julie helped me put the dress on and she finished getting me ready.

"How are things with Nicolas?" Julie asked to break the silence. She was braiding a piece of my hair.

"Good." I said, I didn't know what else to say. I couldn't tell anyone else I hired someone to kill the king and queens of Scotland.

Then it hit me. After the king and queen were dead, Nicolas would be king. "Oh dear." I muttered.

Julie raised an eyebrow and quickly looked at my hair, thinking she did something wrong.

Before Julie could finish doing my hair, I jumped off my seat and ran out of my chambers.

"Nicolas!" I yelled, scanning rooms trying to find him.

I accidentally ran into a servant, running into the dining rooms. "I'm so sorry." I quickly said, helping the servant pick up her tray.

"It's alright, princess. Looking for something?" The brunette servant asked.

I nodded my head, smoothing out my hair and catching my breath. "Someone. Do you know where Nicolas is?" I asked.

The servant raised an eyebrow as if she knew something I didn't. "What is it?" I asked.

"Princess, prince Nicolas has went out with his mistress, Jane."

I coughed. What did she mean? This couldn't be true. "Ex mistress." I say, whispering. I quickly turned around to find Harry.

"Harry?" I scan the hallway to find him. I saw him talking to Lady Elsie, I'm sure she's a delightful woman, but right now I need to talk to Harry.

I quickly run up to Harry and Elsie bows her head and walks off.

"Harry, Jane is back?" I ask. Harry throws his head back. "Wait, what?" Harry says.

"I couldn't believe it either, do you think he's taken her back?" I say. "Or the king and queen sent her to win back Nicolas's heart." Harry says, looking around.

I couldn't believe this. Was is possible the king and queen sent her?

"Princess, your father has requested you in the throne room." A servant who looked to be in a hurry shook me out of my thoughts.

"Please, I will deal with my wedding dress fitting later." I looked down, what was happening? Was Nicolas really back with his mistress?

"It's not that, it's more of a serious matter." The servant said, bowing her head and looking away. I looked at Harry and raised an eyebrow.

"I'll come with you." Harry said, offering his hand for me to hold on to.

Once Harry and I walk into the throne room. My father, king Henry looked worried. "What's happened?"

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