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"It was a pleasure to meet you, you are wonderful." I say to Nicolas's sister. Thankfully, she wasn't like her parents. She was calm and kind.

"You'll make a great queen one day." She says, getting up from her chair. I can't help but smile. It was the best compliment I've ever received.

Once princess Megan gets up and leaves, Nicolas looks at me. "What is it?" I ask. He just stares for a couple more seconds.

"Megan was right, you know? You will make a great queen, with me, by your side, supporting you" I smiled, I loved compliments, but these type of compliments meant so much more.

"Prince Nicolas?" A maid comes up behind me and bows to the both of us. "I shall show Princess Mary to her chambers, if that's alright with you?"

I look at Nicolas, who nods at the maid in approval. I then get up and start following the maid.

"The castle is beautiful." I say, smiling. The maid laughs. "The people who live in it aren't. Their souls are done for." I raise an eyebrow. "What ever do you mean?"

"These people are cruel, I'm glad to see you have brought some light to this court." I smile. "Thank you." I say, not sure what else to say.

We arrive at my chambers, the room was big and spacious. It was decorated with pink and gold. "Wow." I mumble.

"I'll bring the handmaiden in to get you prepared for the ball tonight, you are the guest of honor."

I nod and she walks out. I sit down at my vanity, waiting for the handmaiden. Shortly after, the handmaiden rushes in with a big dress in her hand.

"I apologize, your highness." She says, bowing. She quickly walks over and starts on my hair. "Are we late?" I question. "No, I'm just a fast mover." She explains and I nod in understanding.

After she finishes my hair, she gets me dressed. The dress is a light purple color with silver design. "I love it." I say, turning to the handmaiden.

The handmaiden smiles and bows. "You're welcome, princess." She whispers, and walks out.

I walk down the steps, scanning the room to try and find Nicolas. Instead I'm greeted by the queen.

"Your majesty." I say, bowing. "You come into my court, my life, and my castle, and disrespect me? How dare you. You're nothing without your mother."

My heart drops at the mention of my mother. "What?" I say, my voice shattered. Before the queen can talk, Nicolas grabs my arm and brings me into a corner.

"Don't let them see your weakness, they will tear you apart with it." I nod, still trying to steady my breath.

I've been having flashbacks since my mother passed. The vision of the stabbing. It makes me angry knowing the person who did this is roaming free, possibly here tonight.

I suddenly snap out of my thoughts, more angered than before. "Tell your lame excuse of a mother to never talk about mine again." I snap, walking away from Nicolas.

I walk through the halls of Scottish court. Regretting what I said to Nicolas. I look up when I hear whispers and hide behind a pillar.

"I promised you that I'd protect you. I got you this far, didn't I? Who do you think got you from England to Scotland?

I raise an eyebrow, confused. "I've already killed the Queen of England, I cannot and will not kill the King."

My heart drops. I step out from behind the pillar and stomp over to the hidden people. "What is this?" I demand. I'm taken by surprise when I see the Queen of Scotland talking to my mothers assassin. "You?" I ask, shattered.

The queen stares at me like a deer in headlights. "Mary, go back to the ball." She orders. "You arranged this?" I ask, wanting answers.

Nicolas comes up behind me. "Mary, I'm sorry, can we talk?" He asks, but sees me in tears. "What happened?" He asks quickly.

"She- She." I start, not being able to make the words come out. "I did what needed to be done, for your rule son." The queen says.

Nicolas raises an eyebrow. "What did you do?" He snaps at his mother. "I killed the Queen of England." His mother states calmly.

"What?" Nicolas says, looking over at me. "This could mean war!" He screams. "Our alliance could be shattered! Our country could be torn apart!" He's still screaming.

Everything was a blur. My mother in law was responsible for my mothers death. But why? Why would killing off the English royal family support them? My parents were giving them everything they needed. Then it snapped. It all made sense.

Nicolas was saying something when I started yelling, but I didn't care. "You monster!" I scream. "You were going to kill off my family, the royal English family so your son could take control of England! You were going to kill me off too weren't you?"

The queen was silent, but that just proved my point. "You were going to have Nicolas remarry a girl who you could control easier, correct? Then, the heirs from them would rule England and Scotland! Joining them together as one." I yell.

"You greedy witch!" I scream. I was so angry. My mother was dead for this, she was dead and the Scots were trying to take over.

"Nicolas and I may be wed, but Scotland and England will never be equals! I will have your head for this!" I scream and storm off. I didn't know if my threat was true, but I hoped it was.

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