twenty two

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Nicolas was pacing around my room. He had just threatened his father, the King of Scotland.

"I don't need you to protect me." I say, standing up from my chair to comfort Nicolas. "I know, but I also know how dangerous my parents are." Nicolas said, pushing me away slightly to pace back and forth again.

Him worrying, only worry's me more. "Why don't we just return to England? It'd be much better." I say, looking down. I was afraid of what Nicolas would think of me, running away from my problems.

"If that is what you want dear, we will return to England tomorrow." Nicolas said, placing his hand on mine. A sense of relief washed over me, tomorrow I'd be back home.

"Nicolas there's too much drama now." I say, sitting back down. "We will solve all of it, I promise. Now come, we must tell my parents we are leaving tomorrow." I nodded my head and stood up.

As we were walking down to the throne room where King Andrew and Queen Louise were, I was suddenly nervous. "Maybe I should stay out here." I said, looking at Nicolas.

"Nonsense." Nicolas whispered, walking into the bright room. "Father." Nicolas said, standing straight. "Mary and I shall return to England tomorrow."

The King laughed. "All because I offended your wife?" King Andrew sat up from his throne. "You offend Mary, you offend me." Nicolas said, placing his hand on his sword.

"Nicolas." I mutter. Nicolas looked down at me and placed his hand on my back.

Queen Louise got up from her throne and walked down to King Andrew. "And what were to happen if we offend Mary again?" The queen asked Nicolas.

"I shall take down your rule. Even if I lose my head trying." Nicolas said, his hand on my back has now transferred to my hand, gripping it tightly.

The king took a few steps towards me. "Woman need men to rule, no matter how hard woman try, they always fail." The king spat out.

Nicolas stepped in between of me and the king. "Learn how to talk to my fiancé with respect, or soon you will have no tongue to talk with." Nicolas said, still standing in between me and the king.

"Guards, I think princess Mary needs to learn that Kings aren't supposed to be stood up against." The king said, smirking. "Take her to the dungeons." The king said, waving his hand.

My eyes widened. "Take the princess of England to the dungeons?" The queen whispered to King Andrew. She was right. She knew they'd pay for this.

Before Nicolas could do anything, two guards grabbed me to take me away. I couldn't hear anything but Nicolas was yelling at his parents.

I wasn't scared because I knew they would pay for this. How stupid could you be imprisoning the heir to the English throne, who also happens to be your ally and your sons future wife. I hope they're not forgetting which country is more powerful and who has the upper hand here.

I got to my cell and sat down. Once I sat down I straightened out my dress and looked around. Before I had any time to think about anything, I heard a guard yell, and another one grunt out in pain.

I quickly ran over to see what was happening and it was Nicolas. He had killed both of the guards. "Did you really have to kill them? They were just doing their job." I said as Nicolas was unlocking the door.

"They put their hands on you, and dead men tell no tales." Nicolas quickly said, opening the door to get us out of the castle.

"We are leaving now." Nicolas said, bringing us outside to the carriage. "I will take you shopping for everything you have lost."

I jumped into the carriage, my nerves everywhere as Nicolas gave the coach the signal to go.

"I'm so sorry, Mary." Nicolas said, pulling me into a hug.

I nodded my head to show that it was alright, it wasn't Nicolas's fault after all. And, I already had a plan to exterminate these pesky rulers.

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