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"I will avenge my mother, Nicolas, you must understand." I say, pacing back in forth in my chambers. Shortly after I stormed off, Nicolas chased after me. He wasn't angry at me, but I was angry at him.

I finally stop pacing and look at Nicolas. "Did you know?" I ask calmly. I wasn't going to accuse him of anything, I just wanted to know.

"I knew that my mother wanted to secure my family's rule in Scotland, yes." I raise an eyebrow. "I didn't know she would go this far, though."

I shake my head. "Of course she'd go this far. Nicolas, if my father finds out.." My voice trails off and I suddenly realize, I'm not sure what I'm going to do. If I tell my father, I could get out of this marriage, but war would spread through our countries. Would I want that for Nicolas?

"It's up to you if you want to tell your father." Nicolas says, taking my hand. I quickly snatch my hand away and continue pacing. "My father would wage war in an instant if he finds out your family is the reason for my mothers death." I snap.

"Please, Mary, you need something to get your mind off of all this. Come have a picnic with me. After we return, you can decide what you want to do." I thought about it for a second but eventually nodded. What could be the worst that could happen?

I exit the room, walking towards the great hall. I have an hour until lunch time, so I was free to do whatever I liked for the hour. I sat down at a small table to think.

"Mary, we must chat." A voice says, coming up behind me, sitting down at the extra chair.

"What do you want?" I say, with attitude in my voice. The queen takes a deep breath, and starts talking.

"If you tell your father about this, he will start a war on your mothers behalf. Scotland is not ready for a war." She tucks her hair behind her ear.

"Good, that means it'll be a quick and easy war for England, an easy defeat." I snap back, standing up from the table. The queen just sits in place.

"I will always put my country first, and if you think for a second your son will be able to stop me from waging war on you, you're wrong." I say.

"Is it good? I had the maids make your favorite." Nicolas says, taking a bite out of his sandwich. "It's delicious, Nicolas." I say, smiling.

I continue eating, but realize Nicolas is waiting for me to talk.

"I'm not sure if I want to tell my father." I start, looking at Nicolas. Nicolas just nods and listens the whole time.

"If I tell my father, our marriage would be done for, that's for sure." I joke, taking a bite out of a strawberry. I thought what I said was funny, but Nicolas just looked down at his food, upset. Almost like he actually wants to marry me.

"I'm sorry." I say quickly, realizing my mistake. "If I don't tell my dad, my mother may never get avenged. I don't think I'd be able to forgive myself for it."

"I'll support you through whatever you choose." Nicolas says calmly. But why? This was his country I was talking about. Why would he support the girl that could destroy his country?

"Why?" I ask.

"I think it's time we head back to the castle. We're leaving for England tomorrow, early. You must pack." He says, calmly.

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