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"Mary?" My mother walks through the door. I flash a smile at her and continue looking out the window. "Your father told me you had a meltdown yesterday." I look at her, and put my full attention to her.

"Dear, I'm so sorry." I shake my head and hug her. "Did you know?" She shakes her head, which makes me feel so much more pain.

"Come, you must get ready for your sisters wedding. She is marrying the King of Spain." I knew this was coming and I didn't think much of it before, but hearing what my father did to Nicolas's mother, makes my heart skip a beat.

I walk slowly to my chambers, afraid for my sister. I tried to fill my head with happy thoughts. The king wouldn't do this to her. But, no matter how many things I said, the non positive thoughts rained on me like a thunder cloud.

I arrive at my chambers and greet my handmaiden, Julie. She goes over to my closet and picks out a gorgeous pink dress. Once I nod in approval, she starts dressing me.

"What if something goes wrong?" Julie raises an eyebrow. "What ever do you mean, princess?" I sigh and shake it off. I was probably overreacting.

The rest of the hour was in silence. The only sound was Julie humming while doing my hair. Once she was finished, she backed up and looked at me up and down, admiring her work. "You did a great job, Julie. I love it, truly." I give her quick hug and walk towards the throne room where my mother and father are.

I haven't faced my father since yesterday, nor have I really faced anyone else. Harry tried to come visit me but I shut him down. I figured he was just coming by to beg for my forgiveness, but I already forgave him. There was nothing for him to be sorry about. He is a kind hearted person and I admire him for telling me about the person my cold hearted father is.

"Dear, you look amazing." My mother says, walking over to me. My father comes over, following my mother. Here it comes, I thought. He's going to yell at me for causing more trouble. "Your mother is right, you look amazing." I raise an eyebrow. He was complimenting me?

"Thank you. Mother, father." I curtesy and start walking away when my father grabs my arm. I look back at him, realizing my mother has already walked off and she is joking around with my ladies.

"What do you want now, father?" My father lets go, trying not to make a scene. "You are only being wed for our kingdom. I do know you realize this. I hope you do come to love him." I roll my eyes. "You don't care about me. You just want to make our kingdom more rich." My father stands up straight and looks around. "Our kingdom is perfectly fine." I scoff. "Then why are you selling my sister to Spain?"

My father takes a step back. Did I take it too far?
Would he yell at me again? Instead, before he could say anything, I back up and walk out of the room.


"Mary?" My ladies are staring at me. I've been staring at the wall for minutes. "Sorry, I'm just thinking." I still haven't told my ladies about what my father has done, they just think it was a normal fight between me and my father. We used to argue a lot, but now, I realize it doesn't get me anywhere.

"You just have to wait till the ceremony, then we can get out of here." Anne says, grabbing my hand. I nod and hear the bells ringing. It's starting.

Most of the ceremony was a blur. I kept thinking that from this day on, my sister, my poor Alice, would be the King's. What if she had the same fate as Nicolas's mother?

I hear clapping, so my thoughts are shut out and I immediately start clapping too. I plastered a smile on my face, realizing I could get out of here.

As I go to stand up, my father clings his glass and his fork. "A toast, to my newly wedded daughter, Alice, who will now live the rest of her reign in Spain." My heart dropped. I knew this would happen, but now, I'm saddened my sister is leaving.

"And finally, a toast to my almost wedded eldest daughter, Mary." He say's my name like it's a threat. A reminder he is the one in control.

Everyone turns and looks at me. I wanted to just smile. Instead, I stood up. "Mary, what are you doing?" Catherine said. I look at Victoria, who was smiling like a proud mother. I bet gold she was thinking, "I love when she causes trouble."

"Thank you, father. Thank you, for selling my dear sister and sending her away. Thank you, for selling me to Scotland. For, I shall always be grateful for you." I said it with a sarcastic smile, and with an angry tone in my voice, trailing my tongue on every time I said "Thank you."

"Are you drunk?" Anne whispered to me as I sat down, her thick western accent coming through. "I suppose." I say, taking another sip of my wine.

"Why are you so angry at your father?" Catherine asks. I look at Victoria, who's so obviously enjoying the drama.

"He beheaded Nicolas's mother, his last wife." Victoria's smile dropped, Catherine's face turned pale, and Anne gave me a puzzled look.

"Well, I suppose I'll retire to my chambers now, I might say something stupid if I stay." I got up and pushed my chair in and carefully walked out of the dining hall.

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