twenty seven

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"Your majesty." A room full of servants bowed in front of me as I entered the room.

I was still getting used to this queen thing, but I entered the throne room with confidence.

I figured, since Nicolas was gone it would be my duty to talk to some nobles. I wanted to talk to their wives instead, but the room was filled with nobles.

"Good afternoon." I said to one noble who was writing something down.

The noble looked up and bowed. "I assume you will be a better queen than the last rulers?" The noble laughed.

"Excuse me?" I said, trying to process what was going on. 

"The nobles were already talking about throwing them out of power, It'd be a shame to do it to you, such a beauty."

"How dare you? I am your queen!" I shouted. Before I could say anything, Nicolas's sword was pulled and he was standing in front of me.

"Say anything to my wife again, and I'll have you hanged!" Nicolas shouted. The room was completely silent.

"My apologies." The noble said quietly and left the room.

"So much for a honeymoon." I whisper, looking down.

"I promise, once everything is normal, I will take you anywhere you want." Nicolas said, kissing my head.

Nicolas left the room to get back to business so I decided to tour the castle, I've only been in it a couple times, but I never got the chance to actually see it.

I walked out the throne room and walked up the stairs. I was wearing a gorgeous blue dress. It was my favorite dress and favorite color.

Since no one else can wear the same color as the queen, I felt like the odd one out in my bright blue dress, and not in a good way.

I got up to the second floor and started looking at rooms.

I was walking down the east wing when I heard music coming from a room. I slightly opened the door and saw a little girl playing the piano.

I opened up the door even more and it made a squeak. The girl looked up, frightened.

She jumped down from her chair and opened the door. "Hello." She whispered. "Oh hello there." I said, smiling.

I walked into the room and started looking at all the instruments. "You're a very good player." I said, still looking.

"Thank you." She whispered. She seemed shy but I would be too if a random person had just walked in on me.

"What's your name?" I asked her. She hesitated for a minute but eventually said "Agatha."

"That sounds like a lovely name, Agatha. I'm Mary." Agatha stood in place for a second. "Like the queen Mary?" She asked.

"Yes, that's me." I said.

Agatha quickly stumbled to bow but I stopped her. "No need." I continued looking around.

"Where are your parents?" I asked.

"My dad died a couple weeks ago and my mom died years ago." Agatha said, looking down.

My heart broke for her. What could I do?

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