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"Princess." A couple people bowed their heads as me and Harry walked back inside. A couple whispered.

"Just ignore them and work on your ball." Harry said, as we were walking to the ballroom so I could put up more decorations.

As we were almost there, we bumped into Nicolas and Jane.

"Prince Nicolas." I said, curtsying, Harry bowing. "What are you doing here.. with her?" Nicolas asked Harry. Saying "her" like it was an insult.

For a second, I was afraid Harry would rat me out and tell Nicolas I cried over him, but Harry stayed calm, and kept my hand on his arm. "The princess needed some company while taking a break from her decorating. We are now on our way to finish decorating."

Nicolas raised an eyebrow. "Good day." He sounded angry. "Thank you." I said, turning to Harry. "For?" He said, continuing walking me to the ballroom. "For not letting him know I was affected by his mistress."

Harry nodded and once we got to the ballroom, he bowed his head and said "See you later tonight."

"I swear to you, It's nothing like that" I said to my laughing ladies. They seem to think there's something going on between me and Harry. The only one out of the three who wasn't laughing was Mary. "Are you well?" I ask, putting my hand on her shoulder. "Yes, just nervous for you."

I stiffen up, remembering everything that's going on, being with Harry has made me forget everything. I'm extremely grateful for Harry, he's too good to me.

I stand up at the front of the room, admiring my work. "Wow." I say to myself. I cling my glass and get everyone's attention. "Thank you, everyone for coming. I love making the magic from court come to life." I pause for a minute. "And most of all thank you, to my new friend, Harry."

Harry smiles at me and his cheeks turn red. I mouth "sorry" because I know everyone is staring at him and he's not used to the attention.

I hear whispers of "Isn't he Scottish?" and some "I thought she hated she Scots?"

I stand up straight and try to ignore it. I was doing a good job at ignoring it when I hear someone say "Maybe she's making up for the lack of love her future husband is showing her." I look down and see Jane.

There she was, snickering with her new friends she has made at court. "Actually, I have nothing against the Scots. And mine and my fiancé's relationship is none of your business. I mean, who even are you? Well, besides a cheap, replaceable girl my foolish future husband brought to court."

I stop talking when I realize everyone is staring and Jane looks as if she wanted to get up and strike me. Of course, she couldn't because I'm a royal.

Instead, I just stare back at Jane, until Harry comes up and takes my arm. "Well, if looks could kill, Jane would be lying out cold on the floor." He whispered

"Wouldn't that solve all our problems." I snicker while looking back at Jane who is still staring.

Once we got back to our table, Harry looks at me with a puzzled look, the one he gives me when he's about to ask me something serious.

"Go ahead, ask away." I sigh giving up. "What did she say that made you snap?" I giggle. "Well, at first, I didn't even notice it was Jane. But she said, "Maybe she's making up for the lack of love her future husband is showing her." Which made me snap."

Harry nods and looks behind me and immediately jumps up and bows. I turn around to see my father. "Thank you, Harry for saving my daughter from her foolishness." Harry scrunches his nose. "Well, you're highness, I wouldn't say it was foolishness." I give Harry a look, surprised he has just stood up for me to my father.

"You may go." My father says, trying not to sound angry. My father takes a seat across from me.

"He has a mistress now, they say." I roll my eyes. "Yes, thank you for reminding me." I say, sarcastically.

My father slams his fist on the table. "I will not be embarrassed like this! Get your husband to love you or else."

I take a deep breath, and nod calmly. My father looked surprised when I got up and walked out of the room.

When I exit the room I take a few deep breathes. "In, out." I tell myself silently. I try not to cry, and I certainly don't want to leave the ball I spent the whole day preparing for just because of my lame excuse of a father.

I walk back into the room and see Harry standing alone, against the wall. He hasn't made any other friends besides me at court yet, so it's no surprise he's alone.

I walk up to him, not giving him any idea of what just happened in my eyes. "I want to dance." Harry starts to resent. "Mary I-" I shush him and drag him to the dance floor.

I put my hand on his shoulder and he wraps his arm around my waist. "What happened?" Harry asked. "Well, he yelled at me and told me to make my husband love me." I sigh.

Harry laughs. "What's so funny?" I ask confused. "Nothing, just the fact he is so ridiculous." Harry says, still laughing.

"Calling the King of England ridiculous in front of his daughter is bold." I snap dramatically.

We both giggle and continue dancing.

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