twenty six

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"The Scottish king and queen have died. Nicolas will return to Scotland tomorrow after your wedding."

My heart broke. I had just murdered my future husbands parents. "Oh." I managed to spit out.

I hear someone come into the throne room. I quickly turn around to see Nicolas grinning. Why was he grinning?

I stepped over to him. "Why are you smiling?" I whispered.

"You actually did it." He said, pulling me to a hug. "You had doubts?" I ask, still confused.

"Mary, your wedding dress fitting for your wedding tonight." My father yells.

I roll my eyes and spin around to face him. I had almost forgotten about my wedding tonight.

I had almost forgotten Nicolas was just out with his mistress. My face turned pale as I walked towards the fitting rooms to try on my wedding dress.

Once I got to the fitting rooms a servant helped me into my wedding dress. The dress was plain white with some other designs on it.

"I like it." I said to the servant. The servant nodded and helped me take off the dress.

I was bummed my father chose my wedding dress, he said the wedding dress needed to be a Scottish one to please Nicolas's parents.

Of course, I'm still angry because I found a gorgeous wedding dress I wanted to wear.

Once I was out of my dress and back in my original one, I went and found Nicolas.

I needed to know what was going on with him and Jane.

"Nicolas." I say, causing him to turn around and face me.

"Yes, dear?" He stepped towards me a little bit. "What were you doing out with Jane?" I ask, fiddling with my hands.

"Oh Mary, it's nothing like that. My parents sent her." He stopped actually explaining why she was sent because he knew I already knew the answer.

"Oh." I say, relieved he didn't take her back. "Stop worrying, you have a wedding tonight." Nicolas says, grabbing my hand.

Everything is getting set up in the ball room. I'm excited for the wedding but I'm scared to have all those people watching.

Most of all, the one person I want to be watching, wont be watching. My mother.

I've gotten my revenge but somehow I still feel empty.

"Are you ready, Mary?" Anne asked, smoothing out my white silky dress. I nodded, but I was afraid.

Not afraid of marring Nicolas, in a couple of minutes, I would officially become the queen of Scotland.

Tomorrow, we'd have to return to Scotland for Nicolas to claim his kingly duties and for our honeymoon.

Nicolas said there wouldn't be enough time for a honeymoon right now, so Scotland would have to be our honeymoon.

Although, he said he'd take me wherever I wanted once everything was all smoothed out.

"It's time." Catherine whispered. The guards opened the double doors and I slowly walked down the carpet into the ball room.

The room was gorgeously decorated. I looked up from the floor, and saw Nicolas. There he was, my husband.

It feels like an honor to say that.

Once I got up to the post, the pope stood at his stand. "Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"You may kiss the bride." The pope said. Nicolas grabbed my waist and kissed me. The kiss felt like it lasted an eternity, but I was pushed back into reality when he pulled away.

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