twenty four

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"I promise you my protection." I mutter. I had hired a hit man to go to Scotland and kill the king and queen. I was set on getting my revenge.

Once the hit man had walked away, I felt as if I had every power. But there was a little pit in my stomach that I'm doing something wrong. The death of the Scottish rulers would be at my hands.

I shrugged it off and walked into the throne room. I hugged Anne. "How are you?" She asked. "Good." I said, I really wasn't though, but I needed her to believe me.

I scanned the throne room until I saw coming jogging towards me. "Harry!" I exclaimed. "I've missed you!" Harry's loud voice boomed through the walls.

Everyone looked at me and Harry hugging. Once Harry had moved on to his own business,  Anne looked at me with a grin on her face. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing it's just, maybe you chose the wrong boy." Anne snickered. I playfully slapped her shoulder.

"Mary." My father stepped into the throne room. Anne quickly bowed her head and walked off. My ladies have always been scared of my father.

"You will have to make a speech for your wedding next week." I scoffed at my father. "What?" I asked.

"Please don't argue, do it for your people." My father said. Just as I wanted to argue, Nicolas came up beside me and placed his hand on my back.

I straightened up, and nodded my head. "I'll work on the speech." I said, curtsying and walking away.

I've always been proud of my curtesy, it was the one and only reason I'd ever bow to my father, to show off my curtesy skills. My tutor and I spent an entire month protecting it.

"Thank you." Nicolas said as we walked out of the throne room. "For what?" I asked.

"For not arguing with your father, I know it's hard and I know things haven't been working out in your favor lately, but with our wedding next week, I hope you can loosen up." Nicolas says, smiling.

"Nicolas, can we talk?" I asked, shaking. I couldn't keep it a secret anymore, I had to tell Nicolas. I couldn't take this secret to my grave.

"Mary? What is it? Are you okay?" Nicolas asked, grabbing my hand. I nodded and sat down on one of the hallway chairs.

"I hired a hit man." I quickly said, looking down at the table. I could feel Nicolas tense up. "For?" Nicolas said, his voice breaking. He already knew the answer though.

"For your parents."

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