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"Why thank you dear, they look lovely." I tell a little girl, who's handing me flowers.

"Have a nice day." She say's, bowing, walking away. I smile while looking at the flowers.

I start walking to a balcony, to place the flowers in a vase. I put the flowers in the vase and step back to admire the view. 

A familiar voice fills my ears and I relax. "Good morning, princess." I turn around and face Harry. "Good morning."

"What's on the agenda today?" I ask Harry. Harry gives me a puzzled look. "We're hanging out today?" He asks.

"Don't be silly, we hang out every day. Unless you're bored of hanging out with the next Queen of England." Harry gives me a small laugh. "We can practice your fighting skills?"

I nod. "I'll meet you in the armory in ten minutes." I say while walking away to change into more appropriate clothes for the skill.

I change into the proper clothes and walk down to the armory. I hear Harry arguing with one of the guards.

"The princess told me she would meet me in here in ten minutes. She'll be here any minute now."

One of the guards said "You could be lying, let's take him to the dungeon."

The guards picked Harry up and started taking him away. "And just what do you think you're doing?" I yell.

The guards dropped Harry. "We're sorry, princess." One of the guards said.

"You should be apologizing to my friend Harry!" I say, still angered. "You work for my family, in my home. Do not forget I can fire you any minute!" I scream, scolding them.

The guards stay silent. "And I've noticed you haven't bowed. Pay your respects!" The guards stumble to their knees.

"Mary." Harry says, grabbing my arm gently. "It's fine, I'm fine." I look over to Harry, and look at the guards who are still on their knees. "Stand." I say.

"Tell your other little guard friends, Harry is to go wherever he wants in this castle, and no one shall stop him." The guards nod slowly. "He is to be treated as an equal! He is to be treated how you would treat me!"

I walk off still angered. I follow Harry into the armory, grabbing a sword.

"Thank you." He said, his eyes glowing. "Thank you for standing up for me." He said softly. "We help each other, that's what friends are for." I said, hugging him. "Now shall we?" I ask, getting into the ready position.

"Princess." A servant said, bowing. She focused and made sure to do it correct, she had probably heard about me yelling at the guards earlier. In my defense, they deserved it.

"Yes?" I ask, my voice soft. "You are needed in the throne room." I nod and walk towards the throne room. When I arrive I see Harry and Nicolas.

I walk into the throne room, and stand beside Harry. I'm supposed to stand beside Nicolas, but I feel safer with Harry right now.

"Arrangements have been made." Nicolas starts. "Jane will leave tomorrow at noon." I look at Harry with a confused look. Harry nods in reassurance.

"Thank you." I say, lightly squeezing Nicolas's arm. I turn to Harry and give him a hug.

Nicolas suddenly looked angered, jealous, I'm not sure why though, because he did this to himself.

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