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The light shines through my window and I rub my eyes. I sit up on my bed and take a minute to realize what today is. "Meeting day." I mutter.

I get up out of bed and let my handmaiden get me ready. "This damn Scottish prince better be worth it." I yawn. My handmaiden works in silence, combing my hair, picking out a dress, and pinning my jewelry to me.

"Ready, princess?" I nod and we walk out the double doors into the hallway.

I'm downstairs in the throne room talking to my ladies when I hear the trumpets playing. I immediately know what it is and I sigh, not ready for what's next.

I spin around and walk out the door lining up with my family, waiting for the prince. I stand up straight as the trumpets stop. "The dauphin of Scotland." The announcer announces. The prince steps out of his carriage and I fiddle with my hands as he approaches my father.

"May I introduce you to my daughter, princess Mary." My father spits out. "Hello." I say shyly. I look him up and down, he's very handsome and he seems nice. "Hello, Mary." I give him a dazzling smile while he kisses my hand.

"Shall we go inside now? I can give you a tour." My mother says calmly. "I'd like that." Nicolas says. We all go inside and I follow my father into a hallway. "So? Do you like him?" I raise an eyebrow. "If I say I don't, can I get out of marrying him?" I say sourly. "No. You will wed him." My father said in a scolding voice.

The anger starting rising up on me, and what I do next, is something I never thought I'd do or be able to do.

"I will not marry anyone if I do not love him! Scotland is a small nation and I'll be damned if you force me to marry him!"

Just as I said that, my mother comes around the corner and gasps. The prince standing right beside her.

My cheeks turn red as I run off into the music room to get away from everyone.

"Mary?" I hear a knock at the door. It was one of my ladies, it was Catherine. "Maybe you should apologize to the prince, after all, you did offend his country." She says slowly as she sits down.

"I'm not sure I'm ready to face him yet." Which was true. How could I face him, my parents, or even anyone in the court after what I just said? I shamed my future husbands country for being small, and I basically said I'd refuse to marry him even though our marriage date is practically written in stone.

"Mary, you are the princess of England. You are strong, and if anyone can do this, it's you. Ignore the whispers and go out there and face your parents.." she stopped for a few seconds. "And your future husband." She sat still for a minute, looking for any type of body language. I sighed and sat up.

I walked into the great hall and saw my parents. I froze and Catherine nudged me a little. "You can do this." She whispered.

As I was walking towards my parents, whispers of ladies filled my ears. "Did she really say she wouldn't marry the prince?" "Is it true she said his country is too small?"

It took everything in me to keep walking. I wanted to stop and tell them they had no idea what my situation is and they shouldn't assume anything.

"Mother, father." I start as I'm approaching them. "I'm sorry for losing my temper, I'll try harder to keep my temper in check for now on."

My mother reached for my hand and I let her take it. "You haven't caused any trouble with the marriage, thankfully, but -" I didn't want to hear what she had to say. How could she still be talking about the marriage when I was hurting? Whispers and rumors filled court and she was still worried about my wedding. I scoffed and walked out the hall, leaving Catherine, and my parents stunned.

I stomp into my chambers, wanting to cry. I had to keep a strong face though. Whispers were still filling the hallways as I walked. I focused on my footsteps and where I was going though. Once I reached my chambers I opened the door quickly.

"I'm ready for bed, Julie." Julie came forward and nodded. "So, how is he?" I rolled my eyes, about to not answer but, for some reason I wanted to gossip. "Well, he has ruffled wispy blonde hair. Very well kept." Julie smiled. "And?" I smiled back. "He had a pair of compassionate icy blue eyes." Julie looked up at me. "Do you like him?" I stopped for a minute. "No, I do not. I still refuse to marry anyone I do not love." Julie stopped her work. "Are you refusing to like him to prove something to your parents, or do you really not like him?" I looked down at the floor because I suppose I didn't know. "Goodnight, Julie."

I spun around and lied down in my bed and fell asleep.

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