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"Come in!" I shout, I'm on the other side of my chambers so I have to shout for whoever is on the other side of the door to be able to hear me.

"Princess Mary. You are needed in the throne room, your father wants to speak to you about your wedding." The guard bows and walks away.

What could my father need me for this time? Did I do something? I don't think I did anything.

I make my way to the throne room. "Mary, you've finally arrived." I curtesy to my father and stop walking.

I see my father and Nicolas standing in front of me. "You needed me?" I ask.

"Happy birthday." My father says. I almost forgot it was my birthday, with everything going on, I forgot about the ball tonight, that's being hosted in my favor.

More importantly, this marks the fact that Nicolas and I have a wedding in a week.

"Thank you, father." I choke out. "Your wedding is in a week, you soon will need to go out and get a wedding dress."

I nod to everything my father is saying, but I don't comprehend it. I'm scared of my future and I'm scared of what is going to happen.

I wanted the conversation to be over so badly, I zoned out. Soon, three voices filled my ears that gave me comfort. Alice, Charlotte, and James. My siblings. "Happy birthday, Mary!" They shouted, throwing me into a hug.

"Thank you." I say with a smile. "Excuse me." I trail off out of the room.

I walk out of the throne room and sit at one of the chairs in the hallways. I can't help it, but with all the pressure I'm feeling, I just start crying.

"You know, you aren't supposed to cry on your birthday." Nicolas comes up behind me.

"I'm sorry." I wipe my tears away.

"What's wrong?" Nicolas asks, taking a seat next to me. I let out a sigh and stand up. "It's a busy day today. Are we still going to Scotland tomorrow? If so, I'll have my servants pack while I'm at the ball tonight."

"Yes, we will be returning to Scotland tomorrow." Nicolas says, standing up too. I nod and walk away.

"Happy birthday, Mary." Catherine says. I've been sitting at this ballroom table for what seems like an hour, I'm so bored and I wish I could just go to sleep.

"What time is it?" I ask, ready to return to my chambers. "Don't be like that, let's have fun!" Anne says, walking up to me.

"And the fun has arrived." Anne whispers in my ear. I turn around to see Nicolas, grinning at me.

"Can I have this dance?" After I nod, Nicolas takes my hand and brings me to the dance floor.

"Are you excited to see your father and step mother tomorrow?" I ask Nicolas.

"No, I'd rather spend time with you." Nicolas answers. I just nod and continue dancing.

Once the song is over I whisper into Nicolas's ear. "Can I go back to my chambers now?" Nicolas sighs.

"Your father will be angry with you." Nicolas whispers back. "I could give a damn about what my father says." I snap at Nicolas and storm out of the ballroom.

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