VII - dawn of reality

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-Dawn of reality-

Eira's pov

The morning sun painted the room in hues of soft gold, but no warmth reached the corners of my heart. I lay there, tangled in sheets that seemed to mock the chaos inside me. The remnants of last night clung to the air like a haunting melody, and I couldn't escape the echoes of my own choices.

Jasper Sinclair - the name echoed in my mind like a sinister whisper. The man who had swept into my life like a tempestuous dance, leaving destruction in his wake. I pulled the sheets tighter around me, as if they could shield me from the harsh reality of my own decisions.

The room was silent, save for the distant city sounds that filtered through the half-closed curtains. In that quiet, I replayed the events of the night, the music of our bodies entwined in a dangerous rhythm. Each step, each touch, now felt like a dance with the devil himself.

I couldn't escape the shadows that lingered in the corners of my mind. What had possessed me to surrender to him so willingly? His charm, like a spell, had woven a web around me, and in the moment, I was blind to the consequences. Now, the morning light revealed the tangled mess I had become.

As I sat up, the cool air bit at my skin, and I shivered, not from the temperature but from the cold realization of what I had done. My reflection in the mirror seemed like a stranger, her eyes haunted by the choices of the night before. I couldn't recognize the woman staring back at me - a woman who had willingly danced with a devil in the dark.

The weight of regret settled in my chest, heavy and suffocating. I reached for my phone, half-expecting a message from Jasper, but there was nothing. Perhaps to him, last night was just another conquest, a dance in a long line of performances. But for me, it was a mistake that clung to my soul like a lingering shadow.

I wrapped myself in a robe, hoping its warmth would chase away the chill in my bones. The room felt emptier now, as if the very essence of my being had been stolen in the night.

I moved to the window, staring out at the city below, trying to find solace in the distant lights that flickered like distant memories.

The morning stretched ahead, a blank canvas waiting to be painted with the colors of a new day. Yet, I couldn't shake the darkness that clung to me. Regret, like a relentless partner, danced with me in every step. I had danced with the devil, and now the music had stopped, leaving me alone to face the aftermath of my own choices.

Getting into bathroom I stood under the hot shower. I wanted to rip out my hair. I screamed loudly in frustration. In the blink of an eye my life was kicked off its axis. Firstly that night club and then sleeping with him for money.

The water cascaded over me, a feeble attempt to wash away the stains on my conscience. I closed my eyes, trying to drown out the memories that replayed like a relentless film. I let the hot water numb my senses, at least for a fleeting moment.

The events of the night played in my mind like a broken record. The dimly lit room, the rhythmic pulse of music, and his eyes, a shade of darkness that had drawn me in like a moth to a flame. It wasn't just about the money; it was about the desperation that led me down this path, the choices that seemed to scream my vulnerability.

I turned off the shower, the sudden silence echoing the void within me. Stepping out, I wrapped myself in a towel, avoiding the accusing gaze of my reflection. The mirror seemed to mock me, reflecting a version of myself I couldn't fathom.

I was thankful, I made the decision to rent another apartment than my parents. This gave me enough room to at least cry without giving answers to anyone. I was thankful for the solace of my apartment.

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