XXXV - holding on

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Holding on

Eira's pov

I set the blanket over Amara, where she was sleeping on the couch and shut the blinds to block all the extra sunlight from coming in. I was in the middle of putting a pillow under her head when door unlocked and Jasper came in.

I stood up and signaled him to be quiet. His eyes widened when he saw Amara sleeping on our couch. I guess he is as shocked as I was when she came over. And her sleeping on our couch was equally shocking. I wouldn't have believed anyone who would have tried to tell me this even twenty four hours ago.

"What happened?" he whispered, his voice low as he glanced between me and Amara.

"She came over," I replied, equally quiet, "and she was really upset. We talked for a while, and then she fell asleep. Were you with Nate"

"Yes," he nodded while rubbing his eyes. "I was with him and he is not different"

"Did he call you for support?" he chuckled.

"Nate is oldest of us all. Even he is the older twin so he thinks he is the parent and can do anything on his own. He called me because they were taking down the nursery and he needed me to supervise it"

"Taking down the nursery," I repeated softly, the reality of their loss sinking deeper. I couldn't even begin to comprehend how that must feel. "That must have been so hard for him. Maybe that is why Amara left as well"

"Yes," Jasper sat down to take off his shoes and I settled beside him. "She left saying she needs to meet her friends"

"Do you think they'll be okay?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. I wasn't just talking about Amara and Nate, but about all of us. It felt like the world was spinning out of control, and I wasn't sure how to hold on anymore.

Jasper sighed, rubbing his temples as if trying to ward off an impending headache. "I hope so. Nate's been through so much, and losing the broke something in him. Amara too. She's been putting on a brave face, but I know she's hurting."

I nodded, staring at the floor. "It's hard to imagine. They've always seemed so...untouchable, you know? Like nothing could ever really hurt them."

"Everyone has their breaking point, Eira," Jasper said softly. He reached out and took my hand, squeezing it gently. "But we'll get through this. We have to." He pulled me in a hug and tapped me on head, as if locking me away from the harshness of world and hiding me in the safe space of his arms.

"Let us leave her to sleep and we should go inside" I nodded and we both walked to our bedroom. "So tell me about your application" I settled between his arms and laid my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat.

"I have just started working on it," I informed him, loosening myself in his warm embrace. Would have I ever thought that I would find a safe space in Jasper's arms out of all the people. "I just don't know what to write in my application essay"

"A lot has happened to you Eira in the past year, you can write about anything" he wrapped his arms tightly around me and leaned back on to the couch.

"Do you want me to write that I had to leave school so that I can work as a sex worker and then I started dating the guy who actually paid me to have sex with him. Stop being ridiculous Jasper" I scoffed at his stupidity. The truth of it all still stung, like a raw wound that hadn't quite healed, but I didn't need to take it out on him.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, feeling the weight of my words between us. "I didn't mean to snap at you."

He let out a slow breath, his arms still holding me close. "It's okay. I know it's not easy to talk about...any of it."

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