XVIII - rising storm

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Rising storm

Eira's pov

I screamed when someone pulled me from behind into a dark alley. A huge hand suddenly came over my mouth quietening me. I struggled and kicked, trying to break free from the iron grip. My heart pounded in my chest as fear consumed me. I had no idea who or what was lurking in the shadows, but I knew I had to escape.

I elbowed my attacker in the stomach and heard a grunt of pain. Taking advantage of the momentary distraction, I twisted out of their grasp and sprinted out of the alley, not daring to look back. I could hear the sound of footsteps behind me, but I pushed myself to run faster, determined to get away. Adrenaline surged through my veins as I raced through the empty streets, desperate to find safety.

I yelped when the man held me once again, pushing me into dark alley and pinning me against the wall. His hand mounted strongly over my mouth. "Hello, my dear niece" my uncle's stinking breath fanned my mouth as he spoke and I dared to look up.

"Uncle?" My voice came out as a barely audible whisper.

His eyes burned with an intensity that made me shiver. "You shouldn't have run," he growled. "Now you're going to pay."

I tried to fight back, but his grip was too strong. He pinned my arms to my sides and leaned in closer, his breath hot on my face. "Eira, I am not going to take long" he whispered. My breathing was shallow. "I need to tell you something"

"What is it?"

"I need one hundred thousand dollars in compensation"


"Yes, of all the years and money I lost because of your father. Give me money within a month and I will be out of your life. Forever" he let me go. My whole body was frozen as I watched him step away from me. He turned around and in no time he was gone. Disappeared in the darkness.

As I watched my uncle fade into the shadows, I felt a wave of nausea wash over me. My mind was reeling, trying to process what had just happened. I stumbled out of the alley, my legs shaking uncontrollably. I was on autopilot, walking aimlessly through the streets, trying to escape the overwhelming fear that was coursing through me. My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, all of them dark and terrifying.

I wandered aimlessly for hours, trying to clear my head and come up with a plan. But my mind was too clouded with fear and anger. I felt trapped, like there was no way out.

Finally, I found myself back in my apartment, the familiar surroundings offering a small sense of comfort. Door closed behind me and I turned on the light only to scream finding a person in my lounge.

"Eira," as the person turned around, it was Jasper. I sighed in relief, finding him there instead of any other creepy person.

Jasper's presence was like a beacon of light in the darkness of my fear. I rushed into his arms, my body trembling uncontrollably. He held me tightly, his warmth enveloping me and offering a sense of security. I buried my face in his chest, breathing in the scent of his cologne, a comforting familiar smell.

"What happened, Eira?" he asked softly, his voice laced with concern.

I told him everything, recounting the harrowing events of the night, the terror of being attacked, the shock of seeing my uncle, and the chilling demand he had made. Jasper listened patiently, his expression etched with sympathy and anger.

"Eira, are you okay?" his question made me let the tears fall. I can't believe how I was able to keep the horrors of his presence a secret for so long. "You should have told me the very time he came to you" he pressed looking at my tears.

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