XIV - stolen moments

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-Stolen moments-

Eira's pov

mature content!!

"How old are you Eira?" I chuckled at his stupid and rather childish question. I snorted, a bubble of amusement rising through me despite the weight of my confession.

"Why do you ask" we walked hand in hand from the metro station to Jasper's apartment. cool air breezed through my hair and it was flying all around my face.

"Just for the sake of knowledge"

I laughed again, shaking my head with a playful roll of my eyes. "Okay, okay, mystery man. I'm 20, barely old enough to be legal"

"You are a baby"

"Baby, huh?" I retorted, attempting a lightness I didn't quite feel. "Don't let my youthful charm fool you, Jasper. I'm wise beyond my years, full of hidden wisdom. By the way how old are you"

He snorted, a playful sound that softened the harsh lines of his face. "I think I should give you chance to guess my age"

"Since you called me a baby I think you are something around forty"

"Forty?!" He choked out, a laugh erupting from his chest. "Easy there, little architect. I haven't reached my midlife crisis yet. I am thirty"

"Thirty!?" I echoed, my surprise genuine. Jasper didn't look a day over twenty-five, with his wind-tousled hair and mischievous grin. He must have seen the disbelief on my face because his playful smile wavered slightly.

"Surprised, baby?" he teased, the nickname ringing with a new edge. I quickly schooled my features, opting for a nonchalant shrug.

"Not at all," I lied, my voice wobbling a touch. "It's just...you didn't seem thirty."

His smile returned, full force this time. "And what exactly did I seem, Eira? A decrepit old man?"

"No, of course not!" I blurted out, a blush creeping up my neck.

His eyes narrowed, the air crackling between us. I felt a sudden jolt of awareness, a delicious tingle that was entirely new. Was this flirting? From Jasper? My usually quick mind fumbled for an appropriate response.

"Hey," he interrupted my mental meltdown, placing a gentle hand on my arm. "Don't overthink it. I just have good genes and an excellent skincare routine."

I let out a shaky laugh, feeling the tension ease. "Right, of course. Genes and skincare."

We continued walking, the comfortable silence now laced with something sweet and unspoken. My mind buzzed with questions, each one more daring than the last. Did he consider me more than just his sex buddy? After all this is what we are.

We reached his apartment and the first thing he did was place his lips above mine and pull me into a heated kiss once again. His lips were warm, impossibly soft against mine, and a spark ignited deep within me. My hand fluttered to his chest, unsure where to land against the rapid thump of his heart.

I pulled him closer deepening the kiss. "I need you Eira" he mumbled against my lips.

His words, raw and unexpected, sent a shiver down my spine. Need. It was a powerful word, one that whispered promises and possibilities. My lips responded to his urgency, clinging to his with a desperation that mirrored my own. The need wasn't just physical, though the heat searing through me wouldn't be ignored. It was deeper, a primal yearning for connection, for belonging.

I fumbled with the lock on his apartment door, my trembling fingers betraying my racing heart. Inside, the darkness held a new allure, a promise of stolen moments and whispered secrets. Jasper guided me, his hand trailing down my arm, sending goosebumps erupting in their wake. We stumbled onto the couch, a tangle of limbs and breathless sighs.

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