XIX - unveiling layers

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Unveiling layers

Eira's pov

It was Sunday and my doorbell was ringing like crazy, making me get out of bed even though I had no will to do so. I stumbled to the door, still half-asleep, and yanked it open to find the Amara Sullivan standing in front of me. With her black hair combed and gelled perfectly and an expensive suit she was my opposite.

My hair was a bird's nest and my old pajama suit had two holes in it. "I know I am hot, no need to stare, Eira" I blushed at her words.

"I am sorry. Please come in" she smiled and walked past me while behind her back I patted down my hair. "Do you want anything?"

"Yes, for you to get ready. We are going out"

"What" I nothing but screamed. Why did she want me to go out with her. She had no business going out with me and why did she want this. We are not even friends.

I couldn't fathom why Amara, would want to spend time with me. It was beyond my comprehension, and as I stood there in my worn-out pajamas, I felt a pang of self-consciousness. Despite my protests echoing in my head, I found myself reluctantly agreeing.

"I am sorry, give me some time I will ready soon" she nodded, settling down on my couch while I went away to take bath and get ready.

After a hurried shower and a quick rummage through my limited wardrobe, I managed to put together an outfit that, at the very least, wasn't embarrassing. I stared at myself in the mirror, wondering what had possessed Amara to show up unannounced and demand my company. 

When I returned to the living room, Amara was sitting on couch smoking a cigarette. I cleared my throat to announce my presence, and she looked up with a slight smirk. She killed the smoking stick in dustbin and came to me.

"Ready to grace the world with your presence, Eira?" she teased, her eyes flickering with amusement.

"Yes, sure" I hesitated looking at her. She smiled and walked towards door while I silently followed. I locked the door behind me and followed her to where she had parked her car. This would have been the first car, so sleek and expensive visiting this neighborhood.

"You must be wondering why I came unannounced and am dragging you like this" Amara said once we both were settled in the car and she was already driving. Slowly I nodded my head in positive. "It is because of Jasper"

Amara's words hung in the air, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of curiosity mixed with apprehension. "What about Jasper?" I asked cautiously, my gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside the car window.

"I know Jasper for quite some time and ever since Mini died he has lost his. . . charm, his love to live life. But when you walked in his life I have felt a change. You both specially him may not feel it now but I can sense it. Now since I am going to be his family I want his happiness. And his happiness lies in you"

"Are we going to meet him?"

"No, we are not going to meet him. I want to spend a day with you so I can call you my friend and arrange for you and Jasper to meet"

I sat there in stunned silence, trying to process Amara's unexpected revelation. Her words echoed in my mind, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of confusion and disbelief. Me, being the source of any change in Jasper's life? It seemed surreal.

"I don't understand," I finally managed to say, my voice betraying my inner turmoil. "Why would my presence make any difference to Jasper? We've barely known each other, and I can't imagine how I could impact his life. And I don't think spending some meaningful moments can lead anywhere"

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