XXVIII - shells, sickness, and surprises

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Shells, Sickness, and Surprises

Eira's pov

I woke up with the worst headache possible. Why did I have to drink so much that it feels like someone is hammering my skull.

Please stop it. Urghh

"Here" I heard a voice which made me groan even further because of how my head hurts. I didn't open my eyes instead got up and took the glass in my hand.

I took a sip of lemon water. It tastes bad but still I drank the whole glass. I want to feel better as soon as possible. Please god take it away I promise I won't drink again.

"Thank you" I mumbled and then dropped back into bed. Slowly my head started to feel better. Not best but the headache had subsided a little.

Suddenly my ohone rang loudly and I cried. Why God why. Why are you punishing me like this? I said I won't drink again but take it away.

But God can't make my phone stop ringing and I had to do it myself so I took it off the night stand and turned it off. Though it wasn't a call instead reminder. Oh shoot!! Christmas shopping.

Christmas is in two days and I haven't shopped for it. I never celebrate Christmas silently but with whole decorations and whatever you do on Christmas. I guess this time will be exception because of how hard my head hurts.

"Take it as well" I opened my eyes to see what Jasper had to offer this time. And now it was sliced lemon. I took it and put it in my mouth before slowly sucking it.

It didn't feel good but I kept on sucking it. I'll do anything to take this away. I allowed the sleep to overtake after doing whatever I can do to take away this headache and when I finally woke up again around lunchtime I felt much much better.

"Looks like your headaches gone" Jasper commented as he saw me walking out of bedroom and towards kitchen.

"Yeah it's better" I mumbled and grabbed some water from the kitchen. It looks like this day is going to be ruined because of this fucking hangover and honestly I don't want to spend even a single day at house when we have so little time here.

"I have a plan" why isn't he hungover? We both were drinking together yesterday. "How about we spend a day at jewelry making workshop today. I have heard that they are making jewelry from sea shells. It will be awesome"

"I don't think-"

"Yay" someone explained from behind him and when he stepped aside I saw Emma along with another woman standing there. "We are going to jewelry workshop. I am so excited" she jumped up and down in excitement.

"Emma calm down" the lady made her stop jumping and then turned towards me, " hi I am Jennifer Emma's mother" she extended her hand and I accepted it.

"Emma talks a lot about you so I thought of meeting you today" Jennifer was as bubbly as her daughter. And had similar red hair. "You must be thinking how can I leave my daughter wandering around like this but let me tell you this neighborhood is like a small community and every is family. Emma is safe around here"

"Good to know that" I could only whisper unable to match her energy. "Are you coming for jewelry making workshop as well?"

"Oh I am the host so I am already present there. I'll be glad if you'll join and so will be Emma. It will be a good way to spend a calm and slow day"

"It seems like a good idea. Let me change and I'll join join you" she nodded and walked away to Emma who was busy doing something with Jasper. I walked away to.my bedroom and pulled out some dresses before takijg a bath.

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