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Looking over the few pages to the script I was given by Kelly, she has me auditioning for this role as a pregnant teenager. Going over to sit next to Beck and Jade or more like Beck since Jade is a bit like Heather but not as sociopathic. "Hey" Beck smiles my way as I sit down "what do you have there?"

"For food or the pages?" I ask

"Ugh" Jade scoffs

"Don't mind her" he says before seeing Andre and Tori "hey guys!" He waves then over and I feel my baby kick.

"Ugh!" Jade exclaims more "I don't want them sitting here, I barely tolerate her"

"You know" Tori says sarcastically "it's so great your open with your bitterness"

"She's just grouchy that she got stung by a bee" Beck explains

"See that?" Andre demands "everyone but me! Come on bees! What's a guy gotta do to get stung?"

"Find a bee on a flower and swat at it?" I suggest and the others laugh

"What do you two have?" Tori asks she grabs Beck's first "ooh! Script pages?"

"Nuh uh uh" Beck takes it back "not for you"

"Auditioning for a play?" She asks

"No" shaking his head "a movie"

"That's great" I tell him "what movie?"

"I'm taking your pickle" Jade takes the pickle then eats it.

"So a movie?" Andre asks

"It's called 'Misfire' it's about this woman cop" he tells us "who gets fired and then goes on this crazy rampage"

"That's cool" I say "wait? Is this the same movie with Melinda Murray in it?"

"Shut up!" Tori exclaims "no way!"

"Yup" nodding his head

"You're gonna star with Melinda Murray in a movie?" Tori demands

"Well I'll be playing waiter number one" he tells us

"But still" I tell him "this is huge"

"What about you?" He asks "screenplay or your upcoming music video?"

"I'm auditioning for a role as a pregnant teenager" I tell them "and the music video isn't for another two weeks since we have to figure out which songs we'll be the 'it' songs and yeah"

"You'll be perfect for this role" Jade says "an actual movie and not a bunch of commercials" it's been beauty commercials. Mainly perfume which has been selling like crazy.

I flip her off before saying "Oh, I'm doing another video for my YouTube Channel live streaming it and was wondering if any of you guys want to be in it. Even you Jade"

"Really?" They ask

Nodding my head "Yeah, basically this is promoting a bunch of tech—it's like a commercial but you won't get paid but you will get some fame"

"Yeah" nodding their heads

"Oh and Tori" I look at her "make sure Trina doesn't find out—your sister" shaking my head.

"I know" nodding her head

"Hey" I jump seeing the guys here "we need your help"

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask "everyone this is Kendall, Logan, Carlos and James the boy band that I told you guys about. Guys this is Beck, Jade, Tori and Andre"

"Hi" they all wave hands "Lily" Kendall shows me a photo of the teen crib hangout that Griffin showed me. Wants me to do a video on it "we need to put that in our apartment, we need your help"

"First" showing the others "you guys see this?" They nod their heads "this whole thing" motioning to it "is what I need your guys help promoting. The ultimate teen hangout"

"That looks so awesome" Tori tells me "you want us to help you promote that?"

Nodding my head "How many people will be watching this?" Jade asks

"Like a million"  I shake my head thinking "give or take. So yeah?"

"A million people" Andre asks "will be watching us?"

Nodding my head "and don't dress up or anything just dress in casual clothes like what your wearing right now" looking at the guys "and sure I'll help you, saw your apartment and it's a dump" looking at them "also tell Robbie and Cat, but not Trina or Rex" just no to them.

"Great" Kendall looks at them "are all of you actors?" They nod their heads "how would you guys like to be in a music video?"


"Hey everyone" I'm live streaming right now "welcome to the ULTRA TEEN HANGOUT! Say hi to my friends that I've made here at the Palm Woods and my friends at Hollywood Arts"

"Hey" everyone waves their hands

"We have Big Time Rush" I go over near them and they smile waving their hands "then we have Camille and the Jennifer's as you all know" motioning to my friends "now meet my friends from Hollywood Arts. This is Beck, Robbie and Andre and unfortunately yes ladies Beck is taken" Jade goes as far as to kiss him before a bunch of people "And this is Jade, then we've got Tori and Cat—they're here with us today to show you guys how amazing the recent RCM-CBT Sanyoid products are"

"Swirly slide!" Carlos, Cat and Katy are up at the swirly slide before going down it.

"Who doesn't love a swirly slide?" I ask as my friends come over

"This is awesome!" They all exclaim

"As you can see" I tell them as Gustavo enters flabbergasted with Kelly and the construction crew "this is the Ultra Teen Hangout—I mean you've got an awesome gaming station, such a cool and comfortable couch, a bunch of toys and arcade games" going over to the kitchen "and look at this kitchen! A see through refrigerator that it saves energy so that you don't have to have the refrigerator door open—I mean see through people! Then you have the karaoke machine" having the camera point to the my friends who are singing on the machine having an amazing time.

Pointing to me when Gustavo is about to scream "I've got to go but I want you all to check out the latest products of RCM-CBT Sanyoid products!" Stopping the live stream and going over to the guys as we look at Gustavo who screams loudly.

Just then Trina barges in and smiles "You forgot me guys" Trina is Tori's older sister who has no talent at all—I mean she's horrible at singing, she can't dance, and she can't act.

"We didn't" Jade tells her

"Gustavo" going over to him "my friends are all ready to be extra's in the video so..."

"They went over the dance routine" Kendall tells him "that Lily came up with"

"Fine!" He exclaims "everyone in positions!"

"Dancing?" Trina asks "I can dance!" She shows off her dancing and Gustavo has her taken away since when she tried to twerk it was awful.

"Start the video!" Gustavo orders us around I smile watching as the girls dance with the guys, when it's over I clap.

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