Thirty Five

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"What do you want Jacob?" I demand seeing Jacob in the doorway of the airbnb that we have here in Forks, coincidentally the house were in is right across from the Swan House. It's been a day and I'm planning the graduation bonfire, where it'll be and what snacks and drinks there should be.

"Can we talk outside?" he asks me, Demetri is out hunting but he didn't leave me alone. No my friends from LA are here since their coming to the bonfire, the Crew is even here to keep an eye on everyone make sure nothing bad happens.

"Whatever you can say it can be right here right now" crossing my arms

He looks away before looking at me "There was a nomad in the Swan House" shaking my head not understanding "it was in Bella's room"

"And?" I ask

He snaps then "And Bella's life is in danger"

"When isn't it?" I ask

"Is there a problem?" Dom comes up behind me when Jacob was about to talk, between the two Dom has bigger muscles. Natural muscles. You know? Strength he didn't need any supernatural help from unlike the wolves.

"I'm here to invite Lilith and her son to a bonfire" he tells Dom "but only them along with Bella"

"No" shaking my head knowing what's going on "whatever shit Bella got herself mixed up in she can get out herself"

"Look" he grabbed my arm and Dom grabs his wrist.

"Let go of Lily" he orders "now"

"Bella's life is in danger"

Dom looks down at me "Bella got mixed up in drugs, Jacob's here wanting me to help but I don't deal with that"

"Isabella got herself into this mess" Dom removed Jacob's hand from my arm "she can get herself out" he closes the door "are you alright?"

Nodding my head checking my arm "I need ice and to cover this up before Demetri sees"

"He's very protective of you" Dom says approvingly

"My mom loves him" looking at him as I put the ice on my arm "she isn't a fan of Edward's"

"From what I heard" he says "I don't know how your birth father allows Bella to date a man like him"

"He sneaks into her bedroom at night" I tell him "even though he's banned from the house"

Shaking his head "If it was me Bella's windows would be barred and I'd have security cameras placed to make sure nothing what's going on between you and Demetri"

Shrugging my shoulders "He's my soulmate"

"Soulmate?" He chuckles "how do you know?"

"How did you know Letty was yours?" I ask him, he's silent "whenever I'm with Demetri I feel nothing but a sense of calm, that no matter what he'll always protect and love me. That there's this passion between us that won't ever dim"

"He's a good man for you" Dom says as Tej and Roman come in.

"No wonder" Roman says "you wanted to get out of here as soon as possible"

"There are some fun things to do" I tell them "like surfing and whale watching...there's also fishing and during the winters snow ball fights and cliff diving"

"Cliff diving?" They ask

Nodding my head "Down in La Push there are these safe places where you can jump off cliffs and into the water" We hear a commotion upstairs "I bet your loving being in a house filled with a bunch of teenagers"


After a week of anything, everyone has graduated and now it's time for the bonfire "Alright everyone" I say loud enough "let's give it up for Big Time Rush!" People clap and cheer as the guys perform.

Demetri is beside me with his hands on my belly, he's been gone for a week. I don't know why but I'm guessing it has to do with the newborn army "You know" Demetri whispers "no one is paying attention to us, we could slip out of here"

"We could" I confirm "but I'm singing next" we see Bella here with the Cullens. It would be rude to kick them out since this is a graduation party and they are graduates no matter how much I hate it "did you talk to you know who?"

Nodding his head "As did Jane, you and your family and friends are safe from her. Her revenge is only with the blood singer and Cullens" good. I don't need to worry about Victoria.

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