Twenty Eight

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Dante has his shoes off as he jumps on the large bed up and down, it has been a few hours since arriving in the vampire government simply because I didn't keep a better eye on my son—I'm afraid of what will happen to us.

The door opens and Demetri comes in, he looks at me then to Dante who was about to fall off. Demetri catches him as I stood up from my spot on the ottoman at the foot of the bed.

Dante giggles in Demetri's arms "Dada" Demetri comes over and sits down next to me, I pull Dante into my arms holding him close. Dante is so much like me "mommy"

"Don't ever" I scold my son "jump off the bed again"

"Fun!" He exclaims

Looking at Demetri who stares between us "What...what happens now?"

"Now" he says "you'll one day become a vampire Lily just as when Dante is older, much older he'll be turned as well"

"Your not going to kill me?" I ask "why?"

"Your my soulmate" my eyes widen at that "from what Jane has told me and what I sense, you'll probably want to go slow correct?"

Nodding my head "I'm still wrapping my brain around the soulmate part"

"Yes" nodding his head "I'm sure it's a shock, I can understand since I never thought I'd meet you. Ever"

"Dada" Dante looks at Demetri pointing his finger at him "Dada" crawling off my lap he goes to the bed for his nap since it's getting close to that time.

"You have a beautiful son"

"Thank you" I thank crossing my legs "by any chance is there any Isabella Swan in this building?"

"Your twin" nodding his head "how did you know?"

"I know the screaming of my sister" shrugging my shoulders. I knew I wasn't going crazy when I heard Bella screaming "is she dead?"


"Why not?" I complain

He chuckles "She will one day be dead"

"Please don't say a vampire" I beg

He takes my hand "Hoe are you feeling about this?"

"Shocked as I said" reminding him "but also calm in a sense...then I'm thinking about my world tour where the first place I'm starting is in LA" going all over America before heading off to London with the guys, unlike my first tour where it was just myself this tour I'm going to be with the guys since some of our songs are duets.

"I won't turn you for some time" he tells me "and Jane doesn't want you to die since your a star in her favorite series Throne of Glass" smiling at that "I don't want to leave you...would you care if I accompanied you?"

Shaking my head no "Not at all, though will you be fine with me traveling with four other guys my age?" He growls "it's just for the tour since some of the songs mingle with theirs"

"Is there anything romantic between you?" He asks

Shaking my head no "Platonic, completely"

"Alright" he nods his head "I trust you"

"Okay...cause I have to leave for LA tomorrow" I inform him "since season one wrapped up for Throne of Glass earlier than we thought, I need to do some stuff relating to my singing"

"Then we'll leave with your sibling and the Cullens" my heart begins to race "I'll be with you, I won't let anything bad happen to you"

"Promise?" I ask

"Of course" he confirms, he looks at the door and sighs "you have some more fans" I smile letting out a laugh.

"How about we meet them not here" I suggest since Dante rolled over and let out a fart having us chuckle "will he be alright here?"

"The masters have ordered that this room not be entered" he assured me as we get up "now let's go before the girls storm in" we leave the room, Demetri offers me his arm and I take it. Such a gentleman.

We walked a down a couple hallways before coming to a room, when Demetri opens the door I hear screams "OH MY GOD!"

~Demetri's POV~

"Who knew" Afton is by my side along with Felix, Santiago and Alec "your mate is a superstar"

"I can't believe the Cullens attempted to do what they did" Santiago says "especially Carlisle" yes, Aro made sure I knew what torture they put my mate through. Though why he let them leave with their lives is unknown to me.

"Tell Demetri" Aro waves to me as I hold Alice Cullen's neck "what you both did or shall Alec use his abilities"

Alice Cullen gulps "I knew..." what? What does she mean? "I had a vision when I first met Lilith as a child that she was to be your soulmate...just as months prior I had a vision of a wolf shifter sexually assaulting her" what?! She what?!

We all listen to what the two Cullens say "And Bella" Aro looks at her "tell Demetri what you did"

Bella scoffs looking at me "I tried to get a nomad to kill her and that bastard she decided to keep as an accessory, I'm not ashamed. They should have both died"

"Why Aro let them live" I snarl "is beyond me, but that human will not live"

"I doubt she'll make it after what you did" Felix scoffs, he means when I broke several of her ribs then shattered her arm and nearly turned her face to mush when I repeatedly punched her in the face "though you have every right"

"I wonder about the boy's father" Alec wonders

"I killed him" Lily looks our way

"I'm sorry?" I ask

Shrugging her shoulders "My mom's ex boyfriend always told me that the past will come back, so I made sure the past didn't" we stare at her "I poisoned him" Santiago lets out a laugh as we all stare at her "are you guys watching Total Drama?"

"Was everything's real?" Renata asks

Nodding her head "Yup, every single part of it. What episode are you guys on?"

"Season Two" Corin tells her "final episode, the aftermath show"

"Soulmates get really worried about each other right?" She whispers, they girls nod their heads so she comes over to me and says "Dante and I are both alive as you saw" narrowing my eyes on her suspiciously "just know isn't the first time whose pregnant I did death defying stuff"

"What do you mean?" Panic slowly creeps up on me

Shrugging her shoulders "You know just...the episode will show how I may or may not have jumped out of an airplane that ended up exploding in the end while pregnant"

I let out a laugh "Please tell me your joking and your not serious"

"It'll also show me jumping onto a moving tank" she adds

I pull her into my arms and hold her close since I don't want to believe that, that was until Jane played the episode and my mate did indeed do that stuff and I growl "Your not doing anymore stuff like that"

"Unless my family needs me" she says




"Are you sure?"


She sighs "Well talk about it later" the others laugh as I growl "no"

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