Thirty Two

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The sun shines and a strong arm is wrapped around my body, opening my eyes I see Demetri looking down at me as he strokes my bare back. Our bodies tangled under the sheets. "I love this"

"What do you love?" He asks me as I move my leg to between his legs.

"This" I whisper laying my head on his chest.

I then begin to cry "What's wrong?"

"I realized" I tell him "that when I'm turned we won't age, that all my friends will grow old and die one day. I'm not regretting my choice I'm just...what if I never see them again?"

"You will" he assured me "maybe it's not now or in a hundred years, it may not be for thousands of years but when you do see them again you'll get to tell them all the stories"

Nodding my head "I'm sorry" crying "I just"

"It's alright" he holds me close "it'll hurt, just let it out right now since one day you won't be able to" laying my head on his chest, I cry.

"Mommy" I hear Dante

"I'll get him" he says as he gets up to change, I put on my nightgown before leaving the room to see Demetri and Dante on the couch.

"Mommy" Dante points to me

Going over to them, I sit down and Dante crawls onto my lap "Hi baby" Demetri wraps an arm around my waist. One day Dante won't be a baby anymore and he'll grow up and what if he doesn't want immortality? What if he grows old and dies? "Mommy loves you" I kiss the top of his head.

"Love mommy" Dante says and I cry some more "love daddy"

~Demetri's POV~

"She's realizing how hard it'll be to leave everyone" I tell Felix over the phone since he's hearing Lily cry. I called Lily in for a personal day from recording any music since Lily needs it.

"The Cullens?" I ask, the twins and Felix were sent to Seattle to deal with the newborn army.

"Acting like they did nothing wrong" I scoff at that since of course they'd believe that "my oh so loving mate has decided to visit them and give them a special treat of what happens when they hurt Lily, so the only interesting part is watching them all be in pain"

"And the wolf?" I demand, when I found out that wolf is still alive I wanted to leave but I wasn't going to leave my mate or son alone.

"Jane" good, I guess that's a plus of Jane's inner teen. She will do whatever for her superstar and in this case it's Lily "saw the new music video" yes the music video was released "already over a million views"

"Yes" I confirm "coincidentally that's the same beach I made love to my mate on" I laugh when Felix makes disgusted noises "hey, we all had to listen to you making sure Jane was a good girl" took a while for us to be near them after hearing that.

"Whatever" he grumbles "is it true that Lily is going to shoot another movie here"

"Around the fall to winter" I confirm, I hate it but it's a large role and it's Gypsy Freak. The perfect setting coincidentally is Forks much to my dismay "after the tour we are going to Forks but before we're going up there since Lily wanted to throw a bonfire in the woods. A end of the school year bonfire so a bunch of people are going including some people here. Also we need someone to watch over Dante"

"Of course" Felix agrees "Jane's going through baby fever, she and the others in the coven want Lily to do in vitro"

"Of course" muttering "I don't know, how about you guys just steal a child? There are plenty of orphans out there" hanging up when I see Lily looking at a photo album "Lily?"

She looks up at me "I'm going through Dante's baby pictures" sitting down next to her "in this photo Dante was giggling for the first time" pointing to another photo "in this he was learning how to crawl"

Closing the book, setting it aside I pull her into my embrace "Mi amor? Have you ever thought about having another baby?"

She looks my way "Did you impregnate me?"

Shaking my head no "No, I meant just before your turned we would do in vitro...go to a fertility clinic?"

"I've thought about it" she confirms "but I'm not so sure"

"If you do want another baby" I assure her "I'm right here so you won't be alone and"

"Is it possible for you to impregnate me?" She asks

"Uh" shaking my head "not without a witch's or some magical help"

"I only want your baby" she straddles my lap

"I do too" I agree "but I'm afraid I don't know any witches who could help but we could always pretend that my seed did fertilize your egg, that my baby is growing inside of you"

"Okay" she sighs "it would have been nice to have a part of you grow inside of me"

"I know" it would have been "I know"

"Mommy" hearing tiny footsteps, looking over we see Dante run over with his toy car "daddy"

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