Thirty One

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"No wonder my heart feels like flying" I sing as Demetri and I are on the beach recording the song Soulmate "and my head is spinning, each moment with you is nothing more than a happy beginning" Demetri stops spinning me and has his hands on my hips while I have my arms around his neck "I believe I've found my soulmate" Demetri kisses me after the last lyric.

"And cut!" The director calls, pulling away from each other after the director yelled "Cut!" Five more times.

"So" Demetri asks looking at the sunset "since we're at the beach" I screech laughing when he threw me over his shoulder and ran me at human speed into the water. Water comes up to my hips when Demetri sets me down.

"What about sharks?" I ask

Shaking his head "There are no sharks since sharks don't want to be near predators like myself"

"Okay" nodding my head looking around "we're all alone"

"That we are" he confirms

Closing my eyes as I lean forward kissing him, our tongues twist and tangle getting to know one another. I know for some this is really soon but after two weeks with Demetri I have never felt more alive, more happy.

Mom wants to meet him along with Deckard and Owen since I told them I'd like to introduce them to Demetri when I visit for the summer tour. Dom and the Crew approved of Demetri seeing how amazing he is cause he is, more so than Edward. From what Lauren told me when Edward brought Bella back, Charlie yelled and freaked the fuck out. Also Paul Lahote is back, I don't know how but Demetri said that some Native American tribes had witches or people that practiced magic so Paul was brought back to life most likely. I hate it but I'm not going to worry about it since I know Demetri will protect me and Dante. I would tell Deckard and Owen but it would be very suspicious how the person they killed came back from the dead.

Pulling away, I move my hand to between us grabbing Demetri's cock giving it a squeeze. "I want to have sex, with you right now here in the water"

He smiles brightly removing his pants with one hand before sliding my bikini panties to the side and aligned himself with my entrance "Are you sure?"

Nodding my head "never been more sure in my life" Demetri and I keep our eyes locked as he thrusted into me, I hold onto him tightly as he slowly thrusted into me. Every part of him fills me fully, when he's fully in me it takes me a moment before he pulls out to thrust into me again "oh god"

"No" he corrects "god has nothing to do with this mi amor"

"Demetri" moaning his name as I lean in to kiss him, moving my hips as we make love in the ocean. With each thrust, Demetri hits my g spot and I'm loving his dick piercing. Apparently as a human he got his cock pierced and has always had it even as a vampire, sure he changed the metal but he's always kept his piercing. He has the magic cross dick piercing and it's amazing. His piercing manages to hit different nerves that I didn't know I had that could bring me such pleasure but it does.

This feels right, I've never felt this with anyone before. Letty and Mia were right, meaningless sex might feel good but it's nothing compared to sex with a man or woman who you truly love.

Pulling away, Demetri and I keep an eye on each other. When I clenched around him, I moan his name while Demetri thrusted into me fully stilling as his seed goes deep into my womb.

I take deep breaths as I hold onto Demetri "I know this is early but I want to say it, I love you"

He smiles "I love you too"

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