Twenty Four

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~Cullen House~

"Should I have let her die?" Edward demands from everyone in his coven.

"She would have survived" Rosalie growls "you heard Alice, if you left her alone Lilith was going to have jump out of the way into the trunk of the truck but you intervened! Now you brought unnecessary attention to all of us! Lilith Swan is a famous person so news outlets are probably going to be swarming around here to ask her a bunch of questions! What happens when the Volturi find out? They will since different members of the Volturi watched that reality show!"

"Why did you save her?" Esme asks calmly

"I was trying to make up for what I almost did years ago" when he nearly killed Lilith since his blood singers blood was on her hands. Nearly fifteen years ago Lilith Swan was with her nanny who was with a bunch of friends and Edward let his blood lust consume him and killed them all nearly killing Lilith if Kate Denali didn't stop him with her abilities since she was in the area. The others remember meeting Lilith as a child along with the Denali's since they had to clean up Edward's mess.

"If the press do show up" Carlisle orders "you stay home Edward, Bella remembers you saving Lilith and if they try to ask you for questions then we'd all be in trouble"

"It'll also bring Lilith's mate here" Alice reminds everyone, when Alice first met Lilith she had a vision about her all grown up with the Casanova of vampires. They all agreed to keep them apart since Alice told them that Lilith would be much happier without Demetri in her life. Even though Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper hated keeping mates apart they've heard about Demetri and his inability to remain faithful and they don't want to wish that upon anyone. Especially if he were to cheat on Lilith.

"Why did the wolves come over?" Emmett asks

"Apparently they want us to get Lilith to go to one of the wolves" Carlisle tells them "Paul Lahote imprinted on her"

"I think" Rosalie says "this is a sign. Man whore of La Push and Casanova of vampires?"

Emmett scoffs "Maybe" Jasper suggests "we get Kate down here, she was able to keep Lilith calm as a child"

"We could try" Carlisle agrees "I'll call Tanya"

They then smell the awful scent of a wolf and Edward listens "Carlisle, one of the wolves has been injured seriously" Carlisle goes outside and sees Jared and Sam holding Paul who is unconscious and barely breathing. They saw what happened, how when Paul refused to stay away from Lilith did he and Deckard get into a fight. Paul assumed because of his wolf strength that he could win but Deckard beat him so badly that he's barely alive.

"What happened?" Carlisle asks

"He was beaten in a fight" Sam tells him "we can't bring him to a hospital"

"Bring him inside" Carlisle orders as the elders appear needing to be here.

"Who did this to a wolf shifter?" Billy demands looking around the room as Carlisle tends to Paul to set his bones and make sure nothing is permanently damaged.

"That Deckard" Edward tells him, everyone looks at him "he's a former MI6 agent, he's now a mercenary. The best and he was warning Paul to stay away from Lilith since she asked him to keep Paul away"

"He's a mercenary?" Sam asks

Edward nods his head "Very dangerous"

~Lily's POV~

"Lilith" someone asks me as I walk onto the set of Little Prayer for You "do you have anything to say" since my near death experience a week ago, press have tried to talk to me but I don't respond. All my friends and family have asked me how I'm doing and I've assured them that I'm fine "about the recent update in your relationship status?"

"What are you talking about?" I ask looking over at the man who was beside me with a recorder.

"We were informed" he says "that you recently agreed to a date with a local, Paul Lahote"

I give a nervous laugh "I'm sorry but I don't know what your talking about"

"So your denying these claims?" He asks

"Let me out this on the record okay?" He nods his head having the recorder out "I haven't had any time for romantic relationships since coming to the small town I was born in or the neighboring town if you want specifics, you can ask the friends I've made and the cast and crew and even those at La Push High but I want to be clear—I've never shown any interest towards Paul Lahote who is known as a ladies man, so when I say I don't know what your talking about I mean I don't. Hopefully this cleared up some things"

Nodding his head "It has" he leaves as I go onto the set where I get ready for my scene.

After hours of work to accommodate to my new dilemma since I'm right handed, it's night time and I need someone to pick me up. Getting an uneasy feeling, I stay inside the school until I see Paul behind me. Deckard damaged him bad enough that he shouldn't be walking around "Paul? What the hell?" He is silent before pulling me to him kissing me, I try to shove him off but he's really strong.

"Paul!" I scream trying to get him off but he doesn't, instead he pushes me to the bathroom where he pulls away grabbing my neck squeezing tightly choking me when I tried to scream. With his other hand he pulls my pants down, rips my shirt open and tears run down my face. Everything fades in and out with how tight Paul's grip on my neck is.

He is pulled off of me by Jared "Paul!" Jared growls as Kim is by my side helping me get my clothes back on  "what the hell!"

"Jared? Kim?" Paul asks "why are you here?"

"I found out from Sam's mind what you were planning!" He snaps "this isn't the answer!"

"She's leaving!" He yells shaking in anger

"Lilith leave" Jared orders "Kim"

"What's" my eyes widen when Paul turns into this large silver wolf.

"Come on" Kim helps me before driving me someplace, when she stops I see we're at a three story contemporary house "I know" flinching when she touches me "I'm sorry Lilith, but everything will be explained soon—just please keep an open mind"

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