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"I'm sure it'll get better" Dom tells me as I'm crying right now, after finding out what the latest of Robarazzi news is—how it's me and that I don't even know who the father is and that I'm essentially a huge lying slut—people at school have been judging me. Mom called me earlier when she heard and I heard Bella in the background laughing about how I deserve this.

Shaking my head "He isn't stopping, look at what happened today" I play the recent video Robbie posted on the Slap.

"Hey everyone" he says "welcome back to Robarazzi, today let's discuss: Is Lilith Swan even pregnant or is she just fat?" I cry even more stopping it since Bella has been posting on it a bunch of terrible stuff.

Letty hugs me as I cry even more "Can I stay with you guys? I can't go back to the Palm Woods, not" I cry grabbing my belly.

"Lily?" Dom is by my side

"Somethings wrong" I say crying in more pain, falling out of the chair we look at it and I'm bleeding.

"Take her to the hospital" Mia orders


"Your going to need to stay a few days" the doctor tells me "your stress levels were through the roof, one more and you could end up losing the pregnancy—so I'm going to put you on bed rest and I want someone to be with you at all times" nodding my head.

"Thank you doctor" Dom says

I'm in bed rubbing my belly, I'm about eight months pregnant now and I don't want to lose my son. Yeah, I'm having a boy. I wanted to be surprised but the doctor when he did the ultrasound told me what I was having. Dom rushed me to the emergency room when I began to bleed.

"Oh my god" looking over I see my friends from the Palm Woods here "Lily we heard"

"Are you okay?" Mrs. Knight asks

"I'm ordered on bed rest" I say

"What happened?" Camille asks "are you both alright?"

"That kid Robbie" Brian tells them "he posted on his blog Robarazzi how Lily doesn't know who her child's father is and is calling her a lying slut and had people go to her home and try to make it that Lily isn't actually pregnant"

"That's horrible!" Jo exclaims, Jo is this new girl who Kendall has a thing for.

"She can't be left alone" Mia tells them

"I can't be left alone" I tell them "not until after the baby is born"

"If you want" Mrs. Knight offers "you can stay with us until the baby is born"

Shaking my head no "Thank you but I'm going to stay with Dom and Letty"

"We'll let that Gustavo" Letty informs me "know about this"

"Thank you" thanking them "right now can everyone leave me alone? I'm tired"

"You heard her" Dom motions, they all leave as I close my eyes trying to get some sleep.

~Dom's POV~

"Dom" Letty reminds me "he's a kid and you can't hurt him"

"But we can take down that website" when Lily came to us in tears and told us what was going on, Brian told me that what this kid did was in violation of Lily's privacy and that the Palm Woods is also to blame for allowing that to happen. So Brian is going to the Palm Woods to inform them about suing the place as I'm on my way to this Hollywood Arts and having Lily be pulled out of school and placed in that Palm Woods School. The only reason she's here is because Deckard Shaw sent her here since it's the best performing arts school in the area.

When we walk in, the students look our way and I see that Robbie kid. He gulps seeing our pissed off faces, that Tori comes over. Tori is a good student and friend of Lily's "Mr and Mrs Toretto" she says "what brings you by?"

"We're pulling Lily out of school" Letty tells her.

"Lily's being pulled out?" She asks "why?"

"That kid's blog" I point to that kid "put so much stress on her that she is now in the hospital"

"What?" She and her friends come over

"Is she and the baby okay?" The girl with red hair asks

"She needs to be on bed rest" I tell them "but as of right now Lily is out of this school and we're suing" we go over to the principal's office where he looks shocked to see us.

"Mr and Mrs Toretto" he asks  "what brings you by?"

"Lilith Swan" Letty says "we're pulling her out and we're suing the school"

"I'm sorry?" He asks "why?"

"That Slap website" crossing my arms "one of the students was allowed to post a video that put Lilith in the hospital and because of that violation of privacy we are worried for her safety. If she isn't safe in her own home where is she safe? The fact that your school allowed that to happen is appalling"

"I can assure you" he says "we make it our number one priority to make ourselves a place where everyone feels safe"

"Then why is one of your students in the hospital because of another?" I demand

"Mr and Mrs Toretto" he tries to reason with us "a formal investigation will be conducted and"

"It's too late for that" Letty shakes her head "if you don't want us to sue then take down that website and have that student be expelled"

"I think"

"Lilith is in the hospital!" I slam my hand down that the desk breaks, he flinches back. Pulling away "either comply to our demands or else this school will be shut down"

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