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"Welcoming back everyone's favorites: Courtney, Duncan, Lilith aka Lily, Gwen and Leshawna!" We wave to the cameras.

I stop before Gwen bumps into Heather "Ugh! Are there reserved seats?"

"If so I want the one away from animal hair" I ask

"Um" crossing her arms looking at me "my hair extensions are human hair!"

"You learn something new every day" Duncan chuckles, Gwen chuckles. Gwen and him dated for a bit before he got back together with Courtney.

"Lindsay!" Chris welcomes back "DJ! And Harold!" We hear complaining and we look over "Guys?"

"Sweet cherry preserves!" Owen screams as DJ holds onto him dragging him out of the bus. Fear factor, Owen hates flying "no!"

"He's afraid of flying" DJ screams

"Acrophobia" Harold tells us as DJ brings Owen towards us "from the Latin as opposed to Aeronausiphobia, the fear of air sickness"

"Who would get those two mixed up?" Gwen asks

Shrugging my shoulders as I look at Owen "Here Owen" he looks at me "I made cookies"

"COOKIES!" He screams gobbling the three cookies.

"Keep up the fascinating" Noah warns getting off the bus "facts and I'm going to be aeronauseous all over you"

"You" Gwen asks me "put something in those cookies, didn't you?" We watch as Owen calms down and looks around all happy and excited. But most importantly calm.

"Pot" I answer

Chris laughs "Classic Lily! Drugging her own competitors! Pure evil!"

"It's not evil" arguing with Chris "Owen is terrified of flying and he'll have panic attacks, the pit is going to help him stay calm"

"Whatever you say" shaking his head "Mistress of Evil" waving to the bus "and returning favorites: Noah! Cody! And"

"Yo! Yo! Yo!" Ezekiel is back

I look at the others who aren't happy either "How did he" I ask "be let back?"

They shrug their shoulders "This years winner is in the house! Uh, bus? I mean" getting off "runway! Where's the plane eh?"

"I know! Right?" Izzy agrees jumping onto Ezekiel's shoulders causing him to fall Noah and Cody "Let's fly!"

"And Izzy!" Chris introduces "Also returning, Tyler!" He does a pose before falling "and the cohost of Total Drama: Aftermath, Bridgette!" Bridgette is the next to fall.

"Yo Chris!" Ezekiel calls out "you forgot me!" Him and Bella would be perfect for one another.

Chris sighs "And Ezekiel and now to mix things up and keep things fresh, we're adding three new competitors! He's an honor roll student with a diplomat for a dad and an amazing ability to charm the pants off most species: Alejandro!"

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