Forty Three

994 35 2

~Months Later~

"BIG TIME RUSH!" Dante runs to the guys as we are the Tween Choice Awards. I'm nominated for several awards the: Awesomeness Music Video, Most Popular Reality Show for Teenagers, Most Popular Love Song, and Awesomest Action Film. I'll also be giving away an award.

"Hey Dante!" The guys give him a high five

"Hey Lily" they hug me "you" Carlos waves to my attire "look amazing!" I'm wearing a high neck, backless short black dress with strappy black heels with silver earrings and a silver ring. My hair is down in soft curls with some smoky eyeshadow and red lipstick.

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"And is this little Chloe?" Logan asks looking Demetri who has our little Chloe strapped to his chest, she was born two months ago and is so adorable

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"And is this little Chloe?" Logan asks looking Demetri who has our little Chloe strapped to his chest, she was born two months ago and is so adorable. Dante just like with Hope and Angel is very protective over them. Chloe has Demetri's golden hair but my chocolate brown eyes.

"We're sorry to hear about your sister" Kendall offers his condolences

"Thank you" nodding my head. The Cullens are in Volterra being tortured by Jane and Alec. If your wondering about the babies? Jane and Felix adopted them, yes-twins. They named them Clara and Penelope. They are growing really fast, but it doesn't matter since they are nothing like Bella and that is what matters.

"There she is!" We look over to see Chris McClean, how he survived is a mystery. I mean he had four sharks going after him last time we saw each other.

"Hi Chris" greeting him

"Woah" Carlos touched Chris's face "your real! Your like actually here! Not on screen like we normally see you"

"I know" he smiles "I'm awesome! It's a shame you aren't going to be on Total Drama: Pakatewi Island!"

"I'd like to say" shaking my head "I'd be sad but I'm not, actually while you have Total Drama-Demetri and I will be in one year hosting our own reality show"

"Oh really?" He asks

Nodding his head, Demetri tells him "It's like Total Drama: World Tour but this time it's known as the Ridongculous Race. Sixteen paired teams will race around the world trying to win a million dollars" this will be out last thing before I finish up Throne of Glass to be turned. After that? I'll wait about two hundred years before I go back to acting and singing.

See I've got to finish All Her Pretty Monsters movie series, then start this new series called the Power of Five. Yeah, my director for All Her Pretty Monsters? The warlock? He wants to make this thing for Demetri and me so that we look like aging people. If he does then it'll change things for vampires. But either way, we need to figure out the plans of the future.

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