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~Lily's POV~

"I don't know" shaking my head as Ramsey, Letty and Mia help me downstairs. I'm blindfolded since they have a surprise. I'm about a week from my due date and I've been taking things easy as I was told "I'm more focused on choosing the album photo"

"Just trust us" Ramsey says "you'll love it"

When my blindfold is taken off, I gasp seeing that they planned a baby shower. Everyone is here including my friends from Total Drama, even Heather who I have a love hate relationship with. She's not so bad outside of total drama, we're frienemies. They all called and checked in to see how I was doing including Heather, she's not as bad as Bella who is a horrible person. Speaking of Bella, she's here right now.

"Surprise!" Everyone yells

I smile at everyone "Oh my god, guys this is amazing"

"Oh!" Mama Shaw is here and hugs me "I'm so happy to see you dearie and you look so gorgeous" she says as she pulls away looking at me and my belly.

"Hi Mama Shaw" I smile

"Oh baby" mom comes over and hugs me "I'm so sorry I wasn't here when I heard what happened"

"I love you mom" hugging her tighter

"And I love you" she says

"Come on" Dom cuts in "you still need to be on bed rest" I'm helped over to the couch and I'm so happy that nothing can ruin this moment.

I then see Deckard "Deckard!"

He smiles coming over "I was let out for enough time to be here" he hugs me whispering "that kid Robbie is a dead boy" I want to object but Robbie and I weren't friends and what he did was over the limit. From what I understand not only is he under investigation but also everyone in the Slap, the whole school hates not only Robbie but also the Slap since they did what they did. My followers and people who watch my channel asked how I was doing and send their prayers for me and my baby. Everyone knows I'm not like Bella and the fact that Robbie thought to insinuate me as a person who would be like that is horrible.

"Okay everyone" Bridgette claps her hands "Games!"

~Time Skip~

"Fuck!" I grip the hospital bed as I'm in labor, my son decided to come earlier than he was supposed to. But here he is coming, I was finishing my album at Rocque Records since I was let off bed rest finally since I asked my doctor to make a house call.

"Are you sure" Kelly asks "I can't get you some pain meds?"

Shaking my head no "I can do this" groaning as I feel another contraction come over, there's a really bad storm going on outside so no one can leave or enter the hospital. It has been hours since I went into labor and I hate every moment of this. I can understand why mom didn't want anymore kids after me and Bella.

"Hey" my doctor comes in "how's it going in here?"

"Tell me I can push" I beg, the pressure in my lower back growing as the baby really wants to be born. I can't feel any good position to be in.

The doctor comes over and checks "Are you sure you don't want any pain killers?" Shaking my head no as sweat flies off my forehead, sweat is completely covering my body and hair that my hair is up in a bun so that it doesn't stay soaked.

"Just tell me"

"Your still at four centimeters"

"What?!" Screaming at him "I've been in labor for seven hours!"

"Some babies take a long time" he tells me "you've just got to be patient"

"Nine months!" Grabbing his collar pulling him close so that he sees my pissed off face "nine months I've had to wait, the last two complete pain because this baby put a lot of pressure on my back. If I have to be in labor longer then I want drugs"

"I'm afraid I can't do that" he shakes his head

"Why not?" Kelly and I both ask, her calmly while me crying now.

"Your not dilated far enough" he tells me and I shove him away from me crying. How far do I have to be to be given drugs!

I'm laying in bed after hours of more agony that when I have to push, I all but cry relieved that this is going to be over. I couldn't be given drugs since I was too far along the last time I was checked on.

"Push" the doctor orders, I take a deep breath before grunting and pushing. I feel my brain cells popping as I push.

I push about seven more times before I hear the wails of a little baby and the pressure goes away. The doctor holds up a baby with ten fingers and ten toes "Ten fingers and ten toes" I'm told as my baby is placed on my chest crying very loudly "you've got a healthy baby boy"

Tilting my head as I look at me son I say "Dante" I know that was his father's name but he feels like a Dante, his father sure might have been a sadistic man but I'll make sure my son doesn't grow up to be like him. I'll make sure my son grows up to be man who has a code which is family. The same code Dom taught me. Family is everything, without it you've got nothing. Your living a sad life.

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