Twenty Nine

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~Lily's POV~

"Hey Felix?" I see Felix in the hallway, he looks my way "can I ask for a teeny tiny favor?"

He crossed his arms "What's the favor?"

"I need you to hold Demetri in a death grip" I tell him "and make sure he doesn't go killing anyone when I tell him that I have to do a fake sex scene" I know it's been a few hours but it's important I tell Demetri this since I want honesty in o relationship.

Felix stares at me "I'm sorry?"

"You know the movie Gypsy Blood that is premiering the day after I return to the states with Demetri and Dante?" He nods his head "well it turns out that in the next movie I have to do like four maybe five sex" mouthing that word "scenes and or more if the director didn't like one part of it and I want to explain to Demetri that nothing is really happening but I will be naked" mouthing that word "and also many other people will see me naked" mouthing naked again "unless I could get a stunt double and"

"You don't need to say anymore" shaking his head "and your right he will freak out unless you explain"

"Great" smiling "where is he?"

"He's coming this way" looking over I see Demetri who is behind me, if I was normal I would have jumped but I'm not.

"Looking for me?" He asks. Nodding my head as Felix appeared behind him and wraps him in a bear hug, a tight bear hug "Felix?" Demetri demands trying to get out but can't "what's going on?"

"This is for your own good" Felix says

"Huh?" He asks

"Demetri" placing my hands on his face to look at me "You know the movie Gypsy Blood? How we're going to the premiere and we're going to see my costars?"

"Yeah?" He asks confused "what about it?"

"In Gypsy Freak there are a few scenes that you won't be very happy about" he narrows his eyes on me "their fake sex scenes" his eyes widen "yes I'll be naked but I won't actually be having sex" quickly explaining to him as I notice Felix tightening his grip "I'll see if I can get a stunt double but I'm not too sure and I want to prepare you. It's just acting and no romance and...I don't want you doing something that might get you killed"

"Dude?" Felix asks

Demetri is silent before stating "Your an actress"

"I am" nodding my head

"I know I'm that Throne of Glass you are naked in some scenes" yeah, that's not a lie "I know I won't like it...but I'll have to suck it up"

"Really?" I ask along with Felix

"I'm known as the Casanova of vampires" he says "so many of women have seen me naked, not on the scale as the people who will see you naked but at least I know one day only I'll be inside of you"

"I'll try to get a stunt double" I assure him "your my mate and before I wouldn't have thought so much about it but now I understand that you won't like some of the things I do, I know if our roles were reversed and millions of women saw you makes I wouldn't be too happy"

"I'm glad you told me" he says "you can let go Felix"

Felix let's go as Demetri pulls me into his arms while Felix walks off "The moment" I assure him "your uncomfortable with a scene I do, I'll make sure a stunt double takes over"

"Alright" he nods his head sighing "hoe many scenes should I expect?"

"There are also photo shoots" I add, his arms tighten around me. I move my hand to his crotch grabbing him "but I think I know how to make it up"

He closes his eyes groaning before opening them and I see his eyes are black "Only if your ready, if your not ready Lily"

"I've been going to therapy" I tell him "and some scenes I've had to do in the last few months I will admit haven't been the best but if I was able to get through those then I know I'm ready to be intimate with you since it's the real thing" his cock is hard that it pressed against my belly "I'm just happy that the wolf shifter is dead" it's true, I've been going to therapy and some scenes I've had panic attacks but I was able to get through them later after more therapy and some techniques like being naked in a room filled with naked men for an hour or more. I became fine a few weeks ago before coming here.

"How do you know?" He asks

"Deckard and Owen killed him" I tell him "Deckard and Owen as brothers who are both my mom's exes, Deckard's like my father while Owen is like an uncle"

"Same people who are criminals?" He asks

Nodding my head "Very, let me help you" unzipping his pants, his member springs out hard and dripping with precum. Kneeling before him, I grab his length stroking him a few times. Moving my mouth to kiss the tip of his cock before using my tongue to swirl around his tip.

Taking him into my mouth, Demetri groans as I move my head sucking his cock. He's very large that I try not to gag, Demetri placed his hand on the back of my head while I sucked him off.

Grabbing his ball sac with my other hand, I tickle them having Demetri jerk a bit. When I pull away, I use my tongue to lick him like a popsicle before taking him back in and he releases his seed after a few more seconds.

Swallowing him we hear a groan, I pull away seeing Felix cover his eyes as he goes to his room which we are right outside of "You couldn't" Felix asks us "have done it anywhere else? Like what about outside of the Cullens door?"

"Spur of the moment" I tell him getting up off the floor making sure Demetri puts his pants back on "sorry Felix, won't happen again"

"Uh huh" he closes the door not believe me

Demetri and I look at one another smiling, he wipes my chin when some of his seed is on my chin "As much as I want to continue, we have to leave soon"

"Right" nodding my head "I can't wait to introduce you to my friends...oh! Also will you be my date to the young faces gala which is a week after the premiere" turns out that Demetri died when he was twenty six but he looks young enough to be twenty one at least.

"Of course" he agrees "now let's go, good thing Dante is with the wives" yeah on the other side of the castle far away from us so that Dante didn't walk in on what I just did. The wives love Dante, they told me that the few moments with him make them feel young.

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